Sunday, December 29, 2013

Who has time to post blogs?

   I don't read many blogs, I don't usually have time. And I often wonder, who has time to post these blogs? Don't get me wrong, the blogs I read I really like, and read them when I have time. Just like my email. I read it, and try to keep up with it. Especially the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, cause I am going to win that you know.  I find them easy reads, informative, funny and sometimes intuitive. Like having a conversation with a stranger that you like. Or a conversation with a friend that you like. Don't ask me about friends I don't like, I have not figured that one out yet.
   Then after being up all night with a very sick kid, I think I figured out when folks have time to post blogs. In between minutes. When your kid is taking a nap, a load of laundry is in the machine and you have read what email you are going to read. And you really don't want to watch the woodworking workshop on TV. And the old computer with Microsoft XP is working again.
   Today's blog is about Mommy's adventure with sick kid.
It all started out yesterday when I got home from working a contract job to do a light design. My folks watched my daughter for the day and they had a really good day. I made waffles for dinner (okay, not much pre-dinner planning on my part) and visited with my folks. They went home and I put kid in shower. That was about 6:30. She was going to bed a bit earlier for a change, even though it is Christmas break. Her shower seemed to be taking a bit long, so I checked on her.
  I found my 10 year old daughter sprawled out on the floor, wrapped in her towel. She said she did not feel good and threw up in the shower. Can you say eeewww? I cleaned out the drain (yep, I was gagging) and dried off my girl and put her in PJs and brushed her hair, then put it in a loose braid, in case she felt sick again. She did. So that was a good move. Got her settled down and read to her.
   Then began my night of emptying buckets, bringing cool washcloths for over the forehead. Trying low doses of anti nausea medication (I was looking to change the tint of the bucket content, I think) and keeping my daughter hydrated. Fortunately she was thirsty and drank lots. Which gave my buckets more weight. But also helped purge her system of the flu/virus/whatever. Her fever was pretty low grade and she had no headache, so I counted my blessings.
   By 11 pm, my husband came home and I had him bring down the spare mattress to kid's room (which I had sorta picked up to avoid puncturing my foot with Polly Pocket paraphernalia) so that I could sleep there. He offered to stay up with her awhile, but he had to work today, and I did not, so I sent him to bed. I was reading a library book on my Kindle between bucket trips and made myself as comfortable as I could.
   About 1am, my daughter's illness was showing no signs of slacking, although I was. I did my best to hold her head up as she was sick (she was now too tired to hold her own head up), rinse out buckets and dump in toilet (I know better than the bathtub drain) and procure fresh cold washcloths. But the doorway to her bedroom had narrowed in the night and I found it more difficult to get through without actually running into the door jamb. And I stubbed by toe on the toilet. Fortunately I had remembered to open it before dumping the contents of my buckets.
   Time loses meaning when you unplug the clocks. But I found it easier that way. I cat-napped between my journeys to the bathroom, and got smart enough to have two buckets, just in case one was needed in my absence. I also convinced my daughter to simply lean over the bed when she felt sick - easier than sitting up. And that it would be easier to lean if she did not insist on lying on her back when she tried to do so.
   Around 7 am, we had a break through. A full bathroom trip with daughter in tow and then she actually fell asleep. In her bed - not on the toilet. Yay, couple hours of sleep unbroken.
   Except for when my folks stopped by to drop something off. And my husband got up to get ready for work. And then my own stomach clamored for something to eat and my head asked for a Tylenol. Extra strength  - with a cup of coffee. French Vanilla Cappuccino to be exact.
   So that is how I found time to start keeping a blog. Not bad. Like keeping a diary I suppose, but there I write things I more or less don't want folks to see. Or things that people really should not see.
But my time runs short, my sick kid would like some company.Until next time between the minutes.