Monday, March 20, 2017

Post OP and Pullups

So my husband had to have Carpal Tunnel Release surgery today.

So to keep him occupied this morning I had him make me breakfast.

While he was fasting.

   I did tell him the coffee was good.

We arrived at the surgery center on time. After a slight delay, they came and took him back. Then
they let me come back with him before he went into surgery. I took a picture. I mean really, there wasn't much for me to do. Not like they were going to let me assist or anything...

Then it was time for surgery. So I went back into the waiting room and had a snack.

Lucky for me they had good coffee and French Vanilla Creamer and healthy snacks.
They were the thins after all.

Before I knew it, I was called back to Post-OP.  He was looking pretty good. I offered to help him dress, but he said he thought he could manage on his own. Probably a good thing he brought pull ups...
Sweat pants, that is. What were you thinking?

Home now and all is well. Guess he is not making dinner...


  1. This is just an off handed observation but he coouulld make supper. I still see a perfectly functioning left hand.

  2. Liz had Carole tunnel surgery on both hand last year. Not at the same time. Took awhile but she is better
