Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day - more than just a character

 This is my husband....

   He a father and a son, a hard worker and a good husband. So it took me by surprise when he asked me if I've ever written a character about him.

   Seriously. He's read my work. How could he not know? I write about him all the time! My stories are loaded with male characters. So I asked myself, what male character doesn't include some aspect of him?

Okay, there are the bad guys.
He is definitely not one of them.

 There are only a few bad guys, really nasty individuals who make things difficult for the rest of the beings in the stories, but offsetting these few despicable characters, there are a lot of good guys. That is where I see my husband. 

   Oh sure, they have flaws. They can be cantankerous and selfish. Sometimes they struggle with their faith. They start fights, insult one another, make poor decisions and get into trouble. However they are so much more than their shortcomings.
   The men in my story are hard workers. They put in long hours, often going without sleep. They make sacrifices, putting in the well being of others ahead of themselves. They use their talents and treasure for the benefit of those around them. They take risks, even when they know those risks could cost them the very things they treasure the most. They love, they laugh, and they cry.

   The men in my stories are friends, sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers. They're loyal to their families and to one another. They stand up for those who cannot defend themselves and they do what
is right, regardless of the consequences. They are men who are faithful, dependable, and true.

   I have a wonderful father who is an awesome role model, a great brother full of spirit and spunk, but perhaps the greatest gift in my life is my husband. Yep, he can be crabby. Sometimes he says things that upset me. Occasionally I would like to toss him from a moving car...

But most of all, he's my good guys, all rolled into one. Happy Father's Day to the man I know will read this - after all, he is my primary editor and reads all my work.

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