Monday, September 14, 2015

It's my anniversary, but it is not important

   Today is my wedding anniversary! Some 20 odd years ago (8 WONDERFUL YEARS) we were married, in a church, in front of friends and family and God. And here we are...all those years later, still married.
Here we are from all those years ago.

   It's no big deal. Really it is not. Heck, I forgot until someone messaged me yesterday to wish me a Happy Anniversary. And then I thought, oh yeah. Gosh, perhaps we ought to do something. I started to feel guilty even, I mean, cause I forgot the date and everything and had not planned anything special. We are having Sloppy Joes for dinner for crying out loud.

   And then I got a grip on myself and thought, really, it is no big deal! 

   It is a date on a calendar. I can't even remember how many years. My niece Chloe was born that year. So however old Chloe is, is how long we have been married. Not like some kind of prison sentence that I am counting down the time until I break free. The years are not important. The date is not important. Having a fancy dinner and a date to celebrate is not important, though we might do that later as a great excuse to have a fancy dinner and a date.

   What is important is that we took a terrific vacation together this year as a family. A really cool and memory packed vacation in which we enjoyed our time together. This is not our first trip, nor is it our last. We take trips together fairly often. We explore new places, meet new people and enjoy new things together. This time around we enjoyed camping, walking, hanging on the beach and Disney.

   That was important.

    Also important, my husband's fractured elbow is healing quite nicely. His follow up visit to the doctor confirmed this and now even the sling he was wearing is optional. First he was fortunate not to need a cast or splint, now he is free of the pain in the neck sling. As long as it continues to heal as well as it has been, he should have no after effects from his injury! He can drive and do normal activities as long as it doesn't involve lifting more than 10lbs. I am so grateful for this.

Shoes optional

All ready
   Another thing that is important, the kids started back to school and we seem to be getting down to a routine of sorts. Okay, so we are in what, week 3 or 4 or something like that and starting to get a routine. We tend to be a little slow at things sometimes, and good things should not be rushed, like routines. I like routines, even if they mean we have to get up early again. School provides great opportunities and experiences. Ones we cannot offer them at home.

   Routines also provide me with valuable time to write. And clean house. And do wash. Wash is important. Everyone here refuses to go naked. Even if shoes are optional.

   Yet another thing that is important is being together as a family. We do that a lot. Sometimes we are celebrating birthdays. Sometimes we enjoy watching the kids play in the band at halftime or at a recital. There are barbecues with friends and family get-togethers and birthdays too numerous to count.

   Other times what is important is goofing off. We are good at goofing off.

Last year's fancy anniversary dinner.

     Perhaps one of the most important things in our marriage is God. Our center and our foundation. He is patient and kind. Understanding and considerate. There in our sickness and health. He does not get jealous or say hurtful things. He is slow to anger, quick to forgive. Hmmm...some of this sounds familiar. I think I heard some of it somewhere. Maybe at our wedding a long, long, long time ago.

   This year we celebrate our anniversary with Sloppy Joes and a cake I baked today. Looks pretty with our wedding cake topper, don't you think? 

Our Wedding cake topper on today's dessert to go with the Sloppy Joes

   Our niece Chloe is getting married next week. We look forward to celebrating with them the start of a crazy, wonderful journey. And if I can impart anything to the young couple, it is that anniversary dates are not important. 

It is all the stuff that comes in between.