Friday, August 25, 2017

YEAH! Back to school time!

   So my last post was like....way back in early July. Somehow it is now August. Late August. And now suddenly the kid is going back to school!

 YEAH! Why? Cause the kid is 13. My summer went kinda like this: 

   "Mom, why did you wake me? I wanted to sleep in today!"
    Ummmm, okay, it is 11am. Just how late were you thinking?

   "What is for breakfast?"

    It would be lunch time now.

   "But I just got up!"

   I can't help it if it took you forty five minutes to find clothes and put them on, and another twenty minutes to brush your hair and your teeth.

   "I don't want that for lunch. Can't we have something else?"

   No, this is not a restaurant.

   "Can I have a friend over?"

   After you clean your room and practice your instruments.

   Next five hours are spent getting around to practicing instruments. She manages to clean section of the floor the size of a postage stamp. Has to be told three times to strip bed and get sheets in washer. Drags feet to do daily chores written on wipe off board in kitchen. Complains there is no time left in the day to see her friends and she never gets to see them over the summer. Has to be reminded to take a shower. Goes to bed (finally). Sleeps 18 hours. REPEAT.

YES, I am sooooo ready for school schedule!

   Until I get the schedule.

   Religious Ed class time changed. Need to enter about a thousand entries into the calendar for different events. Oh, by the way, there is marching band practice afterward, add that to the calendar. And can we change music lessons to Monday? Say, here is the regular band schedule and activities to put on the calendar. Wanna add early morning Jazz band three times a week as well? Plus after school activities.

When do we get off the ride?

   I think school is out in June or something.....

   At least the school day is consistent. 

Except Wednesdays...those are early dismissal. And every other month there is a Wednesday with an even earlier dismissal. Then there are holidays, institute days, and (heaven forbid) snow days.


Round and round we go!