Friday, September 8, 2017

Counting my blessings over what I didn't accomplish

There are many things I would like to have accomplished this year...

   While I am no gardener by any stretch of the imagination, I did think it would be nice to have a little corner of the yard to grow some things. Specifically things you can eat. All my friend's gardens have begun to yield fantastic results. I am blessed to be on the receiving end of such bountiful harvests.

   I, on the other hand, grew 5ft dandelions along our driveway. My husband wanted to enter them in the county fair. To my credit, none of the dandelions had turned to the floating seed heads.

I do not believe anyone is looking for what I have to harvest.

   Just like I am pretty sure that I won't be playing in the band anytime soon. First the kids told me that I would need to be in 8th grade or high school to march with them. Then they informed that I would need to play an instrument as well. I don't suppose the harmonica is considered a band instrument, is it?

How about the radio?


On top of everything else, my team didn't win the tug of war contest either.

   Despite these recent setbacks, I am not at all depressed. Why? Because while I did not have the chance to puck fresh vegetables from the vine, I did have the opportunity to hog snuggle with a baby. Outside on a beautiful day no less.

   I also had the good fortune to go chicken hunting in the suburbs with my best friend and her family. No instruments required! I didn't catch one, but it was fun to see someone else capture the prize so that it might be returned to its own yard.

Great job Allie!

  Moreover, there was the time I was able to spend with my family which required no tugging, no war and no dirt! Just a lot of fun, which is always a win.

   So if you are starting to get depressed about what you were not able to accomplish, I remind you, just count your blessings. They are all around you if you remember to look.

   You may find that you accomplished more than what you set out to do.