Tuesday, June 12, 2018

AP Dishwasher and other useful classes

Yay! We are done with Jr. High!


   Having survived the Decades Project (the 1940's so at least I liked some things about it),  
Wall art done by artists!

the 8th grade dance (for which I was volunteered to help with decorations by a person who shall remain unnamed), 

a couple of band concerts and a parade, 

90 degrees, we are a tough bunch.

   and at long last - 8th grade graduation...

Apparently shoes are optional for graduation!


I was more than ready for summer break to start!

   Of course, the jury is out as to how much of a break it really is. There are still music lessons, graduation parties, birthday parties, church camp, flag team practice, marching band camp, and summer class work....


   Yeah, summer class work. Kiddo has an on line math packet of about three hundred questions to complete before the beginning of the next school year. This week there is a class session and a field trip for AP Human Geography.

   And to think us silly parents planned a summer vacation with all this madness going on. Hmmm, I'm beginning to question this whole high school thing. I took some time to review her course selections. There is stuff like honors literacy, honors math, science, physical education, and a foreign language, to name a few. Not the classes I was hoping for.

   I was looking for something more useful... scanning the course selection book I became painfully aware that our school was lacking some very basic and much needed classes.

  • Like Alarm Clocks 100: How to set an alarm and actually get up with it and not rely on your parents to act as a wake up service.
  • Small Appliances 101: Students learn how to properly use a microwave and toaster, leaving them as clean as they found them. Course work would include basics like covering dishes before heating them and emptying the trays from the toaster.
  • Light switch 102: In this course young individuals learn the second basic principle of light switches...how to turn them off.
  • Introduction to Laundry Hamper: Placing clothes inside the hamper, not on the floor next to the hamper.  Tutorials on determining the difference between clean clothes and dirty clothes, as well as emptying pockets, and turning clothes right side out.
  • Introduction to Dishwashers: Learn the difference between dishwashers and sinks, counters, tables, and other flat surfaces where dishes are most often found abandoned. Class can lead up to Advanced Dishwasher: How to load a dishwasher so that contents become clean during wash cycle.
  • AP Dishwasher: Intense course includes different cleaning settings on dishwasher, loading special items in appliance, emptying and and putting clean items in proper placement in kitchen cabinets. Course includes how to wash items not fully cleaned by dishwasher.
  • Vacuum 101: Turning on this useful tool and actually using it to collect dirt from flooring. Course work includes basic maintenance of the tool, such as cleaning out canisters, changing bags, and putting it away after use.

After all, there are some things a kid just doesn't learn from their parents.

 I suspect it is because they can't hear them.

Communication is so important.

   Which is why we bought my daughter a smart phone for graduation. So we could text her. We have discovered this is very useful if you are lounging in the yard and have forgotten things like snacks or something to drink. Or maybe a pillow...

   Because at the end of the long summer days of running kids around, making sure they do their course work, practice instruments and learn all those skills they won't be getting in school, a parent needs a little down time. The smart phone has been one of our best purchases yet!


While I'm sipping on my beverage, I'd better not forget, she needs a physical for school this year.