Monday, May 4, 2020

Locked up and Loopy: Episode 4

   Our lives are pretty eventful and exciting for a time in which we are living under Stay-at-home restrictions.

You might ask - What makes our lives so exciting?

   My husband won a cool raffle prize through our dentist office. He won a new power toothbrush. If you don't think toothbrushes are cool, you have never encountered this toothbrush! It has a charger base, storage container, flashing lights, an app, Bluetooth connectivity, and multiple cleaning settings. One setting in particular sells this product, I call it the Nascar Setting. While my husband polishes up his pearly whites, we hear a full two minutes of what sounds like race cars doing laps around the porcelain and tile filled space. I have suddenly found a new appreciation for brushing teeth and have been clamoring to use this new device... 
   Alas, he won't share and I am delegated to a semi-automatic model that requires batteries and has zezo settings.

   To get past my immense disappointment, we adopted a new pet!

Meet Penelopy (or Penny as we fondly like to call her).

   With the passing of our first banded woolly bear caterpillar (Hector) and our second resident insect (Jarard) resting snugly in a cocoon beneath a piece of bark, we felt a void in our lives. That was when my husband discovered Penny in between our traffic saftey cones. (By now you know you shouldn't have to ask why we own traffic safety cones) She was obviously searching for a family so we brought her in to share our home. Larger than our first two caterpillars and certainly more lively, the bold and adventurous Penny readily climbed into our hands and entertained us for many hours crawling about to explore her surroundings.
   This probably should have been a sign that she needed something more than the open topped enclosure we used to house both Hector and Jarard, for lo and behold, one morning she was gone. We searched high and low witout success and now await the appearance of a beautiful Isabella Tiger Moth in the near future.
   In an effort to keep ourselves from worrying over our little lost lady (who is probably at this moment eating all our wool sweaters), we threw ourselves into projects around the house, mostly outside projects since the weather was warmer. First we opened up our camper so that it is all ready to go... absolutely nowhere. Everything is closed, including campgrounds. While we anxiously await the opening of the outdoors and the ability to go anywhere, (and I do mean ANYWHERE) we are using it as an escape from our house.

   Because opening the camper wasn't very time consuming, we decided it was time we tackled another project on our to do list - the removal of the bushes running the length of our backyard. By bushes, I mean the overgrown Weed-Trees that had overpowered and replaced the lovely lilacs.

   While the Weed-Trees did provide us with considerable privacy, they were ugly but worse still, becoming unmanageable. We also had issues keeping them from growing into the overhead power lines. The result of my husband's hard labor... 

Quite a bit of firewood.

A whole lot of brush
for pick up.

Us feeling over exposed!

   As if all of this wasn't enough to occupy us for the last two weeks, we celebrated by brother's 88th birthday. If you see him, make sure to wish him a happy birthday and tell him he doesn't look a day over 40-something!