Monday, March 14, 2022

The Techno Trade off

  Technology makes our lives easier!

We can be connected anywhere and anytime we choose.

We can map our way forward or look back on where we have been.

Want to play a game, or try a new recipes? Apply for a job? Research a vacation destination? Get the latest score? Check tomorrow's forecast?

No problem!

Unfortunately there is a trade off....

We have become connected 24/7. Some of us can manage it, some cannot.

The technology glitches, updates, and changes occur faster than we can keep up.

We are bombarded with spam, viruses, flashing ads, and fake news.
(I personally like some of the fake news, it can be pretty funny.)

Sometimes you just want to chuck it. Literally.

Wouldn't it be nice to be done with the constant updates?

The mix and match of devices that don't play well together?

The broken devices?

The  planned obsolescence?
(Not to mention the time spent trying to find someplace to recycle old devices!)

Our once aesthetically pleasing spaces are now cluttered with cords. Power struggles of a different kind now exist. Frodo wouldn't be searching for a ring these days, he would be searching for an outlet and a compatible power cord for his device.

On top of everything else there is a potential hazard...

Perhaps our technology just isn't worth the convenience. Maybe we should give it all up and return to a simpler time. I have been considering this option recently.

If you feel the same, drop me a line via email or comment on this post.
In the meantime, I'm gonna snuggle up under my heated blanket and check out what's on Netflix.😏