Friday, April 28, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned...I mean stones! (Apatite)

  Featured Shinyite: Apatite

   Want to work up an appetite? I have just the stone for you!

Get it? Apatite?

   I think the boss just groaned. Well it's her own fault, after all, she bought me a beautiful pair of Apatite earrings for my birthday and now I just can't get my fill.

(I crack myself up!😆)

Of course, Blue Apatite is only one of the many colors found in Apatite. The name Apatite is actually given to a family of crystals and can be seen in shades of yellow, pink, purple, white, green and blue - the neon varieties often the most sought after. It is often mistaken for Tourmaline or Beryl, hence the name taken from Greek mythology where Apate was the personification of deceit and deception.

Ooohhh, a tricky stone...

    I am now thinking I may need to pair the earrings with a pendant... or maybe a ring...

18K Vermeil Gold Ring Blue Apatite

   You may have to take care it doesn't trick you into wanting more than one!

Oh heck, what is the harm in having a few?

   The only real decision is what color. Blue Apatite is probably the most popular of the color varieties with the most striking blue colors found in Madagascar. This stone forms in hexagonal crystals and is a rock phosphate mineral identified by the chemical formula Ca5(PO4). Apatite can exist in many different forms, along with other minerals, as long as the base of apatite calcium (Ca5) and phosphorous (PO4) exist together. With a Mohs hardness of 5 it is one of the softer stones.

But don't let the hardness scale fool you, this stone packs quite a punch!

   Apatite is considered a stone of manifestation, related to service and to humanitarian pursuits. Although generally believed to be attuned to the future, it also is said to connect to past lives. It is used for cleansing and healing, as well as stimulating the development of psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation and aiding communication and self-expression on all levels.

   And as if that wasn't enough...The gemstone is believed to decrease appetite (go figure) as well as enhance insight, creativity and learning. It is said that wearing apatite will enhance focus, clarity for concentration, intellect, acceptance and unconditional love. We could all use a little of the latter.

   Want to learn more about this fascinating stone? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchy's carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products containing Amethyst available to pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

See something you like? Click on the links!

Blue Apatite Palm Stones

Blue Apatite Obelisk

Blue Apatite Stone Bracelet

Well that’s all there is now from the Shinyite School of Stones!

*Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned...I mean stones! (Amethyst)

 Featured Shinyite: Amethyst

   When it comes to stones that rock, purple shinyites rate high on my list.

I mean Amethysts!

Maybe because they are my birthstone. Yep, I’m a February child, born on Valentine’s Day. Makes me a real sweetheart, right?

Okay, so the sweetheart part might be debatable, but the fact that this rock is cool is not! 

   Often called the Stone of Sober Kings, Amethyst is a member of the quartz family. Although classified as a semiprecious stone it can be found in crystal formations. This purple colored gem is found in many locations worldwide, with some of the largest deposits in Brazil (where the nuts come from) and Uraguay. The finest amethysts, commonly known as “Siberian Color” or “Deep Russian” are considered quite rare and viewed in incandescent light hold the color of concord grapes with a secondary flash of red.

While this stone can be manufactured, I think the best Amethysts are natural ones. 

   There are a number of varieties: Purple, ametrine, pink, mossy, cape and prasiolite are six of the most well-known types of amethyst. Colors vary, for instance, Prasiolite is known as the Green Amethyst.

Wait, what? A NON-PURPLE Amethyst?

Yep. You read that right, Green Amethyst.

Tumbled Prasiolite/Green Amethyst

   Amethyst’s color can change when exposed to different kinds of radiation. Enough UV radiation from sunlight will fade it to lilac or gray. And it can change color when heated, turning light green, yellow, or brown… though another dose of the right radiation can bring back its purple hue. The purple color in Amethyst actually comes from exposure to gamma rays. Don’t worry, it doesn’t take in a lot of radiation and it is not nearly enough to be harmful to humans. As a matter of fact, it’s naturally occurring in other rocks found where amethyst crystals grow.

   So what is all this about Amethyst being the Stone of Sober Kings? Turns out, Amethyst has a rather interesting backstory. The tale goes that the drunken God of Dionysus set his tigers on the young Amethysta (yikes!). Realizing what he had done, he turned her into a giant Quartz Crystal. His tears of remorse stained the crystal purple, thus creating Amethyst. At least that is what the early Greeks thought, thus the reason they used the crystal as a talisman against drinking... and addition.

   While purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power and ambition, it also represents wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic. Spiritually it is believed to be a protective stone, one that helps relieve stress and anxiety in your life, and the symptoms that accompany it, namely headaches, fatigues, and anxiety. It is also thought to aid in cell regeneration (supporting your bones and joints) and is reputed to improve your skin. Channeling happiness and prosperity, it is believed to bring positive energy to the wearer or bearer of this stone.

   If those are not enough reasons to pick up some Amethyst…they are also my buddy Alex’s favorite stone!

   Want to learn more about this fascinating stone? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchy's carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products containing Amethyst available to pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

See something you like? Click on the links!

 Tree of Life Chip Pendant

Sword - Chevron Amethyst w/Larimar, Cape Amethyst, Clear Quartz

Seven Chakra Amethyst Bracelet

Well that’s all there is now from the Shinyite School of Stones!

*Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁