Tuesday, September 24, 2024

When one door shuts...

 Another one opens, right? 

It all depends. Some doors present a not so pleasant message.

   Among those doors are ones that have stairs leading to them. In some cases, lots of stairs. In my days of carrying a cane, this wasn't especially troublesome. I was one of the fortunate ones who could do stairs. The door itself generally wasn't too much of a problem, unless I was carrying something. Then I had no free hand to open the door once I arrived at my destination. But now that I have progressed to using walkers, rollators or a mobile scooter, the stairs are impossible. None of those devices handle stairs very well (I should know, I've tried). Wheels and stairs are just not a good combination.

   I'm very thankful for those buildings that have alternative entrances with ramps, but unfortunately, they are not always readily available. Some require special passkeys (nothing like sitting outside a locked door in the rain and trying to track down someone to open it) while others need an operator available to utilize the equipment installed. Often times, these entrances are hard to find due to lack of signage.

   Other places have accessible doors, but getting to those doors is sometimes a challenge. Individuals often don't recognize the need to keep accessible entry clear for those who require it. Accessible parking to accessible entries is often treated more as a convenience rather than a necessity. It literally is impossible for individuals with mobility equipment, to get said equipment in and out of their vehicles without the extra space. This renders otherwise accessible buildings completely inaccessible.

Then there is just poor design.

   This was the entry to the accessible bathrooms at a national park. (There was a sign out front the building guiding folks to this accessible restroom.) Not only did the pillar in the center of the entryway make navigating difficult for a wheelchair or mobility scooter, but the step provided a unique challenge. Kudos for painting the stair so it was noticeable, but seriously, shaving the cement to provide a ramp might have been a better solution.

   Not to mention the bathroom itself, with the narrow aisle between the stalls and sinks to get to the accessible bathroom stall at the far end with the door that didn't lock.

Getting to the door is the first step. Getting the door open is an altogether different challenge.

Image from Butterfly MX
   Fortunately, engineers have developed door openers for doors that do
not automatically open (like at the grocery store). They are relatively inexpensive and not to difficult to install. I was extremely grateful when my church installed one. It meant I no longer had to reach around/over my mobility device and attempt to wrangle the door open. Depending on the door, my efforts were not always successful.

   Now, if I could just convince facilities to put these on the bathroom doors... it seems that those are the heaviest doors ever installed as well as typically the most difficult spaces to maneuver into!

   Thankfully, builders and designers are becoming more conscious of accessibility needs and we are seeing improvements in newer buildings and changes in older ones. Nevertheless, I always recommend looking up venues before you go and checking out accessibility as well as calling before your planned visit to mitigate any difficulties you might encounter just entering the premises and eliminate any unexpected surprises.

   Which is exactly what I plan on doing for my next adventure!

All pictures are my own, unless otherwise specified in the captions.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Iron?)

Triple Moon Chalice
   Today's blog is a bit of a deviation from the usual as it doesn't involve stones at all (as you can probably tell from the chalice pictured). I know, it takes some stones to not write about stones in a crystal and gemstone blog, right?

Yes, that was the sound of my bosses groaning!

   Right now, there is little else they can do as I am at home convalescing. While I like to think I am hard as nails, two broke ribs say otherwise. Just speaking about nails and bones got me thinking about iron...

   Why Iron? Well, because Iron is a necessary chemical component for bone to repair and rebuild itself. Iron helps the body to make collagen to rebuild bone, something which I need right now. Which then got me thinking about products in the shops that contain iron, none of which are really used to repair broken bones, but I wondered, what else might Iron be good for?

Turns out... a lot!

      Cold Iron is regarded as repelling negative energy and there is a belief that ghosts or spirits cannot cross iron, so many old cemeteries were built with iron fences around them. Wrought iron around family burials and mausoleums may have been placed for the same purpose. Often, iron is used in rituals to anchor oneself to a property.

Coffin Nails
   Talking about cemeteries brings to mind - coffin nails! Many coffin nails are made of
wrought iron combining the natural properties of iron with rich traditions. The nail is most often associated in the Christian tradition with the crucifixion of Christ, symbolizing his passion, but it also represents the Cosmic Axis, or Axis Mundi, around which the heavens rotate. Tapped into the steps just before a main entrance to a house, coffin nails are believed to ward off mal-intent and prevent people from carrying bad magic into a home to leave there. Additionally, it is thought that scraping the rust and dirt from a nail until it is shiny and setting it in a place where the rising sun will shine on it will make it a protective talisman to be carried.

Railroad Spikes
   A much larger relation to the coffin nail is the railroad spike. Railroad spikes may seem
like an unlikely magical tool, but like coffin nails, they are often used in home protection. The basis of the magical properties in the spikes is in their function as anchors, the time they have spent fulfilling this mission, and the fact that they are made of iron. Once again we are reminded of strong mineral properties of building and holding things together, from bones to transportation, to protection.


Then there are horseshoes! 

   When you think horseshoes, you think luck (something which I don't seem to have a lot of lately). The horseshoe symbol provides a combination of luck, protection, religion, and even magic. Many believe that not only will a horseshoe bring gool luck into their lives, but also to any special event or occasion, as well as ward off evil, misfortune, or bad luck.

Perhaps I should hang one over my doorway!

   Iron, classically known as the Metal of Mars, has been universally perceived as the symbol of human strength, obstinacy, fortitude, honor, courage, sharpness (of body and mind), tenacity, and confidence in power. It can be found in many products, from the ones listed above to candlestick holders and cauldrons. Although not a crystal or gemstone, iron is a mineral worth considering!

Chime Candle Holders

Triple Moon Cauldron
Looking to possess this mineral yourself? Visit us in person or online at https://justwitchys.comJust Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this mineral as well as many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products that contain iron to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

That's all now from the Shinyite School of stones!

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Duckwrites.com. Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Restaurant Ridiculousness (Accessibility for One is Accessibility for All)

   Going out to eat should be a fun and relaxing experience. It is a chance to reconnect with family and friends, celebrate life events, try new foods and most importantly, enjoy a meal prepped and served by someone else.

Awesome dinner from my travels

What it shouldn't be is a challenge.

In a restaurant, no diners should be viewed as an inconvenience.

   My recent dining experience was both a challenge AND and example of how I was viewed as an inconvenience!

   I took my mom out for her birthday brunch. She picked a restaurant that should have had no problem accommodating my equipment. SHOULD being the key word. What we didn't factor in was the staff.

   Since my mom drove, I took my rolling walker. It is lighter and easier to load and unload from a car and doesn't take up much space like my other mobility equipment.

   It was a hot day, so mom dropped me off at the curb, that way I wouldn't have far to walk. (Hot days equate really poor mobility for me.)

   Someone came out and held the outer door for me. Another held the inner door. I don't always WANT assistance, but I am ALWAYS grateful when it is offered. I thanked them profusely then proceeded to the hostess stand where two of the employees were standing and watching  the restaurant patrons who got up from their meals to assist me.

   Seriously. The employees saw me coming and struggling just to walk, let along handle the doors, but neither offered to assist. Instead two seated patrons got up from their table and cheerfully gave me a hand. That should have been my first clue I was going to face challenges here. One of the hosts, a young man bearing menus waited for me to toddle across the foyer. The conversation went as follows:

Host: How many will be in your party.

Me: Two

Host: Would you like to sit upstairs?

Me (Somewhat baffled by the question, I looked around. The restaurant is fairly empty and mostly on one level. I look down at my rolling walker and then back at the young man): Is there a ramp?

Host: No.

Me (after a pause): Elevator?

Host (laughing): No, it's only two stairs.

Me (Now I am getting irritated. Irritation brings out my sarcasm. I again scan the dining area on my level, take a quick glance down at the rolling walker, then look back at the host): How much do you dead lift?

Host (nervous and confused): What?

Me: I think that answers my question. No, I can't do stairs, (as I speak, I glance down at the rolling walker in front of me) my equipment isn't designed for stairs, so something on this level would be better.

Host: Oh, would you prefer a booth or a table?

Me: Either, as long as there is room for my equipment so it won't be in your way.

   The host then proceeds to sit me in a booth. Mom joins me and we are perusing the menu when the second host comes to the table.

Hostess (places her hand on my walker): I'm going to need to move this.

Me: What? Where? (I grab the walker handle to keep her from taking it)

Hostess (indicated the other side of the partition dividing the foyer from the dining room): Just around the corner, up by the register.

Me (now pissed off): Uh, no. This is what I use to walk. I'll need it if there should be an emergency or if I want to use the restroom. The walker stays. I didn't seat myself here, but if it will help, I'll be happy to fold it up so it takes less space.

Hostess (releases the walker, blinks, then recovers quickly): May I bring you ladies some coffee?

All of this before my first cup of coffee!

Let's not forget I'm hungry too!

   The food was good and the waitress seemed to have no problem moving around my walker, even after the same clueless host proceeded to seat a party with walkers and other equipment at the table right next to our booth! Never mind the restaurant was still mostly empty and there were an abundance of tables with plenty of space for mobility devices. It made for a rather tight squeeze for the waitstaff and a navigation challenge for me when it was time to leave.

   I am flattered that people see the person and not the disability. However, it would be nice for people to take into account the very visible equipment I need to move around and to be conscious, on some level, of my ability to move. For instance, have you ever had to ask directions in a restaurant?

   Yep, I did after being left behind by my host in a restaurant that had multiple rooms through which I had to navigate between tightly placed diners. Not sure why it was so important to seat me and my walker at the back of the restaurant when there were ample seats near the front.

It's worse when I have my mobility scooter.

   I get that it takes up room and restaurants only have so much space. I'm not a monster. I understand if the scooter needs to be moved out of the way by one of my own party during a busy time of day. However, we try not to patronize eating establishments during their peak times to avoid any difficulties. Therefore, there really isn't any reason to take all of the chairs away from the table because I rolled in the door. If you're not sure of my seating preference, you could ask. Why? The scooter I usually use doesn't have a swivel seat. I like to sit at the table, like everyone else.

   But please don't ask if I really need the scooter, or if I couldn't just leave it at the door and walk. Yes, I need it. That's why I have it. I'm not looking for special treatment, I'm just looking for the same access and common courtesy given to everyone else.

And... maybe just a bit of common sense.

   Are staff really going "out of their way" to hold an entryway door or walk a little slower so people can keep up with you? Is it too much to ask a patron if they need assistance with the 300lb bathroom door they are obviously struggling to open?

I wish I could say this experience was an exception. Unfortunately, it's not. There is no reason for this to be the case. So I will continue my crusade to educate and inform, and in some cases, sarcastically respond to the incredible nonsense that my mobility challenges provide.

   In the meantime, I'm off to my next adventure!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

State Park Success Story! (Accessibility for one is Accessibility for All!)

I thought I'd start this blog series with a success story.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ensures that individuals with disabilities are not denied or excluded from activities, including outdoor recreation.

   Unfortunately in my short experiences with mobility challenges, I've discovered that positive experiences can be few and far between, especially when trying to enjoy the outdoors. When someone or someplace gets it right, I think they should be highlighted! So today I am highlighting Potato Creek State Park, located in North Liberty, Indiana.

   My husband and I have been campers for the last 20 years and are now on our second RV. With my decreased mobility, we have made some modifications to our current RV - such as removing the bottom bunk from the bunk area to use the space as a garage for my equipment. When camping or doing other outdoor activities, I prefer to use a portable four-wheel scooter that provides stability while increasing the variety of terrain I can travel. It is still limiting, but less so than my three-wheel electric mobile scooters.

   The four-wheel scooter I have is an older one, a Drive model that can disassemble into three components to make it easier to transport - a chair, the front section with steering column, and rear wheel section containing the motorized components (the heaviest part). The battery also is removable to help lighten the load. Individually, I can lift all of these parts, but I am only 5'2" so there are limits as to what I can safely handle. Fortunately I am blessed with a hubby who can not only lift the equipment without dismantling it, but has also designed several clever devices to enable me to function independently. (More on that in a future blog.)

   This particular trip was a long one that included both state and national parks. With the diversity of parks came the diversity in the interpretation of accessibility. Some parks were dismal failures, having ramps that started or ended with a stair, incorrectly installed ADA fire rings, campsites listed as ADA accessible (but were not really), a general lack of designated ADA parking, and a whole slew of other issues. While overall the trip was wonderful, some of the challenges were quite frustrating. No one should be frustrated and angry on their vacation!

   Potato Creek was our last stop on our route home. For this particular park, we didn't book an accessible campsite, but they are available. Indiana lists their ADA sites with descriptions and can be reserved via IndianaStateParks.reserveamerica.com. At the time of writing this post, there were no pictures of sites available on the website, but the descriptions were pretty good.

   We also didn't bother to look up accessibility for this park. Had I looked ahead of time, I might have been more excited about visiting the park!

To my surprise, there were well maintained paved trails!

Even better, there was beach accessibility!



Not just disability parking, but ramps. ALL the way down to the water... with railings no less!

   I was able to drive my scooter right down to the water and for the first time in two years, I could swim in a lake. Yes, the railing ended at the water, so I had to use canes, but getting to the water itself was a huge deal. Scooters and wheelchairs simply don't do sand very well, if at all.

   The ramp was cement and contained a gap for the users to access the sandy beach as well as the cool water waiting at the end. It was clean and well maintained (no piles of drifting sand or other debris to try and navigate). I am also happy to say that the railings did not retain heat, so they could be easily used on the hot and sunny day of our visit.

   As if this wasn't enough, we discovered that accessibility wasn't just limited to the paved trails and the beach, but also included fishing piers and the boat rentals. A ramp extended down from the parking lot to the boat rentals, then down to the area where the boats were along the shore. A staff member was more than willing to give us a shove into the water and we were off kayaking! There were a number of different boats to rent, but this was my chosen mode of transportation over the water!

I thought things couldn't get much better. Then the visit became MAGICAL.

   Day two of our visit... While taking a look around the Nature Center, the ranger on duty noticed that I was using a mobility scooter. He told me there was a track chair available for use at no cost...

Tank traction
   I sat there stunned for a moment, then I realized what he had said. They had a track chair that could take on a few of the trails and not just the paved ones!

   Typically a track chair needs to be reserved 48 hours in advance to ensure its availability and that it is charged, but no one had reserved it and it had been sitting, plugged in and ready to go. He explained what trails the chair could be used on (trail width is important) and what conditions were optimal. I signed a form, got a five minute lesson on how to use the chair, a map of the trails for use with the chair and a phone number to call if I had any issues, and I was off!

   I have always loved exploring and hiking, but my walking issues have made that nearly impossible in recent years, limiting me to flat, smooth (generally paved) surfaces like roads or sidewalks. Roads can be dangerous and sidewalks are few and far between in recreational areas (unless all you want to do is use the restroom). Now here I was, in my element, independently traversing a hilly, bumpy, gravel path. The nature trail on steroids!

   The experience proved to be a major highlight on our trip. We have been to other parks where chairs were located, only to find that the person in charge of the chair was out that week and they couldn't be reserved, or that they were only available on weekends (our travels are often on weekdays), so I've never had the opportunity to use one before. Potato Creek State Park gave me that opportunity. I can't express enough gratitude to Ranger Tim for bringing this feature to our attention! Nor can I give enough thanks to the generous donor who made this chair possible. The freedom of not being restricted to sitting on the sidelines was uplifting. I could once more participate in the activities I loved.

Hats off to Potato Creek and their staff!

   To learn more about Potato Creek and other Indiana state parks and available activities for the disabled, visit the Indiana State DNR webpage. Accessibility activity details can be found on their Accessibility options page, including trail chairs listed by park (scroll down to see a complete list of parks with accessibility equipment). There is information on how to obtain the chairs and some of the parks even have pictures of the chairs and equipment available. Please note, the chairs are limited and use times may be restricted, so call ahead and make your reservation.

   In the meantime, I'm off to my next adventure!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Lapis Lazuli)

 Why is Lapis Lazuli so powerful?

Lapis Lazuli by DeviantArt
   Probably because she had the advantage of being able to view the world for thousands of years while trapped in her mirror!

   Oh wait, that is the cartoon character from Steven Universe...

My bad.

But the good news is Lapis Lazuli the stone IS a pretty powerful stone, albeit for entirely different reasons. Not that Lapis doesn't look good in a mirror, but it has many qualities to recommend it!

Tumbled Lapis Lazuli

   Prized for thousands of years, Lapis was a prized stone in ancient Egypt, where it was believed to lead the soul into immortality and open the heart to love. The royal stone was said to contain the soul of the gods.

Lapis Lazuli Bracelet

   In the Native American tradition, the stone is thought to bring the wearer courage to endure hardship as well as protect from the evil eye. It is often worn to help the individual become more receptive to their culture's spiritual teachings.

   Lapis is even featured in the bible! Biblical scholars believe that references in the Old Testament to "sapphire" actually indicate lapis lazuli, as the sapphire gemstone was not known in the Middle East before the Roman Empire. (Although Lapis Lazuli can be found around the world, The original source of Lapis Lazuli was  the Sar-e-Sang deposit in the Badakhshan district of Afghanistan, which has been producing the stone for over 7,000 years.)

Now that is quite a history!

   History aside, Lapis Lazuli is believed to have many healing properties, including promoting calm and tranquility, boosting self-awareness and self-confidence, and even benefiting physical health by enhancing immune system function and reducing blood pressureBecause it harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, it is also known as the wisdom stone. Wearing it can help prevent mental attacks and reduce tension.

Lapis Lazuli Ring

   So it's a good thing it is only between five and six on the Mohs hardness scale, making it highly suitable to make into jewelry that can be paired with just about any ensemble!

Lapis Lazuli Leaf Ring

Looking to possess this stone yourself? Visit us in person or online at https://justwitchys.comJust Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of Lapis Lazuli products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

Lapis Lazuli Palm Stone
Lapis Sword

That's all now from the Shinyite School of stones!

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Duckwrites.com. Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Granite)

What is a natural stone that can have many variations in color, pattern, and veining?

Probably one you take for Gran-ite!

Get it? Granite?

K2 Granite Tumbled

I crack myself up! 😂

I believe my bosses just did a group eye-roll!

Well that's okay, Granite is worth rolling your eyes over!

K2 Rectangle Ring
   Because there are so many minerals that make up Granite, like quartz, amphiboles, feldspar, potassium and mica, the variations are endless! Granite can vary widely in color from the off white caused by quartz, dark green or black from amphibole, to the pink from potassium feldspar, just to mention a few variations.

   I haven't even begun to talk about the veining, or long meandering lines of color that traverse the natural stone. In geological terms, veins are the sheets of crystallized minerals within a rock. All of which make it a pretty neat stone!

Rock of Ages Granite Mine, Vermont

I even thought the mine was pretty!

But perhaps I should start with - What is Granite?

Okay as bowling alley
if you don't mind
rubber balls.

   Granite is an igneous rock, which means it formed from magma, or melted rock. This forms deep inside the Earth under a mountain or volcano when the melted rock cools or crystalizes into solid rock.

   The process takes millions of years and forms a pretty hard rock. Granite is a 6-8 on the Moh's hardness scale. While it is more difficult to sculpt, it lasts a lot longer, which makes it good for a lot of applications, from art to counters, headstones, and building facing!

   That's not all! This hardness spills over into its spiritual qualities.

K2 with Azurite Pendant

   Granite can be worn as a talisman to enhance physical and mental strength. It is also associated with abundance and protection. Many use this stone to ward off threatening spirits. Combined with other minerals, like Azurite, it is believed to aid in healing as well.

   Yet another quality of Granite is balance. Granite is believed to induce a state of mental and spiritual calm and considered a great stone for grounding. Since it contains quartz, Granite is also classified as a stone that stores and transmits energy.

Not bad for a stone that is believed to be 300 millions years old!

Looking to possess this stone yourself? Visit us in person or online at https://justwitchys.comJust Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of K2 Granite products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

That's all now from the Shinyite School of stones!

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Duckwrites.com. Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Friday, June 7, 2024

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Carnelian)


Banded Carnelian

I'm excited about today's blog as it features a beautiful stone with rich colors and variation...


You mean Carnelian.

Hey, who said that? Did you guys hear something? Like a booming disembodied voice or something? No? Hmmm. 🤔Must be just me. Anyway, as I was saying, today I will be writing about Carnation...


What? (Author frantically looks over both shoulders) I definitely heard a voice that time...

Carnelian. The stone you're writing about is called Carnelian.

Oh. Yeah. Right. That's what I meant, Carnelian. (Author looks around nervously before continuing) Today's featured Shinyite is Carnelian.

Carnelian. (also spelled Cornelian) is a brownish-red mineral commonly used as a semiprecious stone.

 (Author sets hands on hips). All right now, just who is writing this blog? You, the disembodied voice, or me, the author?

Sorry, please continue.

Thank you. As I was about to say, Carnelian (also known as Cornelian) is a brownish-red mineral located in many placed around the world, but most commonly found in Peru, Sri Lanka and Thailand.  The brownish-red description does the stone little justice as it can vary from pale orange to to almost black, its coloration a result of iron oxide impurities.

Carnelian Sphere
   The differences can be seen in the following examples:

Carnelian Sphere

Don't forget to mention it is a seven on the mohs hardness scale.

(Author rolls eyes)

Oh, sorry again.

(Author clears throat)

Sometimes called the "Stone of Motivation" Carnelian is believed to inspire action and help people with procrastination, which is especially helpful if you have a tendency to put things off. It is also used as a talisman to protect against fire and misfortune, and in ancient times was believed to ward off insanity and depression.

I'm betting this Carnelian pendant would look good with the outfit you're wearing.

Carnelian Heart Pendant

Hey, what did I say about interruptions? (Author taps foot)

Sorry again, please continue.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I was about to talk about the stone's healing properties, including physical healing and spiritual growth. Associated with the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra, Carnelian is believed to provide emotional balance, boosting an individual's confidence.

You have to admit, it is pretty...

Carnelian Circle Ring

Yes, you're right, it is pretty, as well as pretty powerful... it's a stone as versatile as it's color variations!

Looking to possess this stone yourself? Visit us in person or online at https://justwitchys.com. Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of Carnelian products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.


That's all now from the Shinyite School of stones!

(Author sighs, shakes head Disembodied voice continues)

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Duckwrites.com. Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Writing Buddy

    I'd like you to meet my writing buddy...

This is Charlie Swift. Named so because he so often isn't... too swift, that is. He has been know to fall of his perch and get into mischief from which he needs to be rescued.

Aside from being a fun companion, playmate, and supreme pest, he is also an editor of sorts. Spending countless hours helping me on my computer means that he has mastered the delete button and figured out how the touch screen works. There is nothing quite like coming back with a fresh cup of coffee to find fifty six windows open, two deleted paragraphs from the page you were originally working on and a new post on Instagram.

I guess you could say he works pretty swiftly...

(Yes, I did just do that!)

To make matters interesting today, I cannot find the screen cleaner cloth. He likes to wrestle with it and consequently it disappears from time to time. He did leave me a piece of lettuce on my keyboard, but I'm not sure that it will make a very good substitute, so if you find a typo in the post, assume that I just couldn't see around the finger/beak prints to correct it.

Right now, he's playing with his actual toys, as opposed to my computer or my phone or his own phone. Yes, he has his own phone, and his own Instagram account (charlie___swift). Don't judge, I gave him my old phone because sometimes I like to use my phone without the feathery interface. It only has internet connection, so I guess it's more like a birdy tablet. I have it restricted and locked down so I don't receive any unexpected packages or make any unplanned phone calls...

I have been surprised in the past.

Some writers have cats, others dogs, but for me, it is a feathery friend who likes to take baths in the kitchen sink and follow other birds on Instagram.

Now if I could just train him to make coffee...

Friday, April 19, 2024

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Pyrite)

Ohhh, shiny, but wait, that's not gold!

Pyrite Small Sphere

No, it's not. It's Pyrite, but don't let it "fool" you into thinking it is something less desirable or less worthy than gold, Pyrite is more than meets the eye!

   To the untrained eye, Pyrite is often mistaken for gold (thus the reason it is often referred to as Fools Gold). It's shiny and pretty, and yes, it does resemble gold with its brassy, yellow appearance, but that is where the resemblance ends. Unlike gold, it is less malleable, has a different crystalline shape and a difference in density.

   That makes Pyrite a tough material. The Mohs hardness of Pyrite is 6-6.5, whereas gold is only a 2.5 on the hardness scale. Stands to reason that spiritually it is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies. From a healing standpoint, it is thought to activate all seven of the chakras. In addition, it is often associated with grounding and protection.

   If you ask me, grounding makes sense. Pyrite is made up of iron sulfide, Earth's most
Pyrite Oval Ring
abundant sulfide mineral! This abundance made it a popular mineral in the ancient world, both practically and artistically. Named for the Greek word fire, pyr creates sparks and was used in making fire. But the Greeks, Romans, and Incas did more than start fires. They often used Pyrite to make pins, earrings, and amulets, among other ornamental items.

   Today, Pyrite is commonly used for the production of sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide (used in making paper). Since it also paramagnetic (magnetic in the presence of applied magnetic fields), it can also be used as a semiconductor.

   But those are just the practical applications... From a metaphysical standpoint, Pyrite can be used to reduce fatigue, improve memory, protection, prosperity, manifestation, vitality, creativity, and confidence, attracting wealth, abundance, and good luck, making it an awesome stone just to have around.

Often called "Fools Gold"
This crystal is anything but!

 As for me? I think it is an exceptional stone and one that is both beautiful and versatile.

Polished Pyrite Pendant
 Looking to possess this stone yourself? Visit us in person or online at https://justwitchys.com. Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of Pyrite products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

That's all now from the Shinyite School of stones!

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Duckwrites.com. Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁