Thursday, February 13, 2014

Confessions of Neat Freak

     I am a Neat Freak. In the past, I used to think I was just tidy or organized, but my friends and family have set me straight. 
     When talking about my activities the other day, I mentioned that I finally had time to clean up and organize the attic. My friend looked at me and then said "That's just sick." 
      I don't think so. The attic had been in great disarray for some time. There was wrapping paper on top of the boxes for Halloween stuff, books we took out of our study a few years ago that were collecting dust, an old computer monitor was co-existing with the Christmas decorations and the "stuff to go to Amvets" was mixed with the shelving brackets. It was preying on my mind, weighing me down and distracting me from everyday duties. I could barely function, let along open the door to the attic. The next holiday was coming up, how would I find the decorations? Okay, maybe that is a little sick.
     Just because I like my dining room table clear and polished, don't like newspapers on the coffee table and use the sweeper vacuum daily in my kitchen doesn't mean I deserve this label. So I hate dust on the TV that we don't typically watch, can't stand little bits of "stuff" on the stairs and go a bit nuts over things piled on bedroom dressers. Admittedly I have shoe boxes in my drawers to keep my socks and underwear sorted. YES, there is a secret plan for cleaning the garage in the spring....I give in, I guess I am a Neat Freak.  I have come to terms with this malady and embrace who I am.

     But don't worry, it is not contagious. My daughter and husband seem immune. As a matter of fact, I believe they both suffer from Flatsurfaceitis - a condition that causes one to pile up stuff on any and all available flat surfaces. This condition is going to drive me to drink.

So as a confirmed Neat Freak, I have a few confessions:
  • I would be in heaven if I lived in one of those Better Homes and Gardens houses that are always orderly and fresh like you see in the magazines.
  • I am drawn to TV shows like Neat (with Helen Buttigieg, a professional organizer). Heck, I like shows in general that take a cluttered mess, pare down and redecorate using original furnishings from the room.
  • I subscribe to Ikea and The Container Store.
  • I am fascinated by the idea of minimalism. 
  • I like bins. And baskets. And shelves.
  • I like wandering Ikea stores and trying out all the rooms and organizing ideas.
  • I think it is fun to come up with new storage ideas.
    Before you "Unfriend" me or reconsider inviting me to your house for a cup of tea, be reassured that my disease is confined to my home, my vehicles and my sacred work space.  I honestly don't care if you didn't vacuum, have a sink full of dishes or piles of school papers all over the counter and laundry in the living room. That is your problem, not mine. When I visit folks, I visit them, not their houses. So while I am flattered that you may have scurried to pick up before I came over, it wasn't really necessary. I like my family and friends for who they are.  Relax. It is okay to spill stuff in my living room, I do all the time. I don't organize my spices alphabetically (yes, I know someone who does - and I like to rearrange them to spell my name). Not all my kitchen drawers would meet Martha Stewart standards.  I haven't reorganized the linen closet in over a month.  I have my disorder under control.

   Just remember, don't ever put anything on my desk. 

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