Friday, September 23, 2016

Public Service Announcement for the Swift and Swifter

   It all started out with a friendly visit with my friend's cat...

   The cutie who loves to help with my Bible Study homework. My friend asked me to drop in and check on him while she was away for a day or two. The cat and I get along great and enjoy each other's company, so I readily agreed. Besides, it gave me a change of scenery and a helper for my homework!

   Yesterday's visit was no different than any other, we cuddled, played, cleaned the litter box together (yes, he "helps") and put out fresh food and water. We did some reading and a bit of the homework for class. It was time for me to go, so I wished him goodbye and locked the door behind me. I put my study materials in the back seat of the car and closed the door.

   And this is when things went horribly wrong.  It took me seconds (hours?) for my brain to register that I could only see half my thumb. Perhaps a few more to register that the other half was in the door. The closed door. I grabbed the handle and yanked the door open. The rest of the thumb was there.

This was the point at which the pain sensors caught up with the rest of my brain.

   OW, OW, OW, OW, IT HURTS, IT HURTS, DA## IT HURTS. I grabbed the keys from my purse, closed the door (without my hand in it this time), pressed the lock button on my fob and vaulted the stairs to the door, miraculously pulling out the house key as I did. Smoothly I unlocked the door, yanked it closed and locked it behind me. 

Looking back, I do believe this is the smoothest I have ever entered a building while swearing.
Sometimes I impress even myself.

   I sprinted to the kitchen, dropping my purse in route and swiftly pulled open the freezer drawer. It was stuffed full of frozen food. Go figure, they keep frozen food in the freezer. Since I did not think the frozen chicken would do me much good, I pulled open the top drawer. More frozen food.

   The cat joined me as I rifled frantically though the food looking for ice packs. He delighted in batting around freezer bags that I inadvertently knocked out. At the bottom of the drawer, I found an ice tray... filled not with ice, but green stuff.

For the love of God, who keeps green stuff in their ice trays?

  As I wondered about this mystery, my throbbing finger decided to bleed. I was contemplating the frozen chicken when the cat batted a lumpy baggie under the open drawers. It could have been frozen vodka, but to me it looked like a homemade ice pack. Tossing the baggie on the counter, I turned on the sink and rinsed my bloody hand, wrapped it in tissue and applied ice.

   I then sat on the floor and pet the cat as my injured hand ached from under the ice/vodka pack. After a while, I picked up the frozen goods off the floor, checked to make sure I hadn't bled all over the inside of the freezer, and closed the door. Then I snuck a peek at my hand.

   It still hurt like the devil, but I didn't think it looked all that bad. Not even all that swollen. And I could bend it, so not bad, right? I decided that I should drive home and baby it a little.

   It was on the way out the door once more that I realized it was my right hand. Did I mention that I was right handed? It made the drive home really suck.

   After ibuprofen and lunch, it was still sore, but considerably better, so I went about my day. Sore, but no big deal. I was fine.

   Till the next morning. Perhaps a sheet brushed it. Or maybe it was a light cool breeze from our open
window. Searing pain brought me up in a hurry. And my thumb was not looking better. The nail was now very dark, the underside red and bruised and I could now barely bend it. Crap. I was going to have to see a doctor.

   I took more ibuprofen. I sent my daughter off to school. I tried to nurse the thumb with a real ice pack, but the digit was having nothing to do with anything, cold or otherwise, touching it.

   I called the doctor.

   They referred me to a walk-in clinic for emergency aid where they could do X-rays and stuff.

   I made my husband drive.

   Bumps in the road made it hurt. Thankfully the staff were all kind. They made a hole in the nail using (a medical grade) heat wand and drained the blood from under the nail, which greatly relieved the pressure. The X-rays found what might be a tiny fracture or an anomaly, which means I have to wear a brace until I can see a hand specialist in about a week or so to review.

   Unfortunately the tip of the thumb was too tender for the small brace. So they resorted to the larger brace...

Did I mention that I am right handed?

I also bought my friend an official ice pack. Turns out she keeps ice in the freezer in the garage. Well,
now she keeps an ice pack in the house freezer.


  1. It was water and RUBBING alcohol, not Vodka in the bag. It's a physical therapy trick. Keeps the bag slushy for icing your boo boos! The Vodka is for drinking after the injury.

  2. It was water and RUBBING alcohol, not Vodka in the bag. It's a physical therapy trick. Keeps the bag slushy for icing your boo boos! The Vodka is for drinking after the injury.
