Friday, January 20, 2017

If you want to paint a room....

   If you want to paint a room,

You will need to sit down with a cup of coffee and think about paint colors. 

   When you sit down to pick a paint color, you will realize that you need swatches!

   After you pick the swatches for your room, you may determine that you have no idea what color will actually work in your space. 

   Then you will have to look for help. When you look for help, you will find there is an app for that. Several in fact. Paint Tester, Project Color and Visualizer, just to name a few of the apps available to make selecting a color easier for you. 

   Once you settle on an app, you will find that you need a second opinion. Fortunately, there are decorators, friends, store employees, even strangers on the street that are all willing to help. Your family will want to give opinions too. 

   The opinions will delay your color decision and you will tape swatches to the wall.

   When you tape the swatches to the wall, you will see that the wall needs washing.

   So you will take out your cleaning supplies and start washing walls.

   Then you will notice that your wall needs a repair from that time you moved the heavy chair. 

   That is when you will make a list of what you need from the store to make the repairs. As you make this list, you will add things that you will need later in your painting project, like rollers and painters tape.

   When you add painters tape to your list, you will look at the baseboard in the room.

   And discover some of the base board needs replacing....

   So you measure the baseboard to be replaced and take a trip to the store.

   At the store you will discover they no longer make the size baseboard that is in your house. Which means you will have to go home and measure all the baseboard in the room for replacement in order to make the room visually uniform.

   When you measure the baseboard, however, you will find yourself close to the floor.

There you will notice stains on the rug.

   When you notice the stains on the rug, you will think about replacing the rugs. As you consider rug choices you will remember there is hardwood under the rugs.

   When you think of the hardwood under the rugs, you will remember that the hardwood in the bedroom needed considerable work.

    Then you will start researching refinishing hardwood floors. Once you start researching, you may determine that refinishing the floors may be more than you will be able to do on your own. So you might solicit help.

   Soliciting help from others will remind you of the help you received when picking a paint color for the room...

   And when you remember all that help you received, you just might take down all those paint swatches you taped up around the house and have that cup of coffee instead.


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