Friday, March 17, 2017

Loving Lent

   I am blessed to have Lent. I call it a reinforced pause. One that I need.

Because life is hectic. Our calendar is bursting full and there is always more to do. After a while, it becomes a blur. Life shouldn't be a blur of dates on a calendar or commitments on a schedule. So I am thankful for Lent to give me opportunities.

Opportunity to pause in my daily life and take time out to pray.

photo credit: Josh Kenzer Turn my Darkness into Light via photopin (license)

Am I listening to God?
What is he trying to tell me?
Am I who I am supposed to be?
What am I being called to do?

The world is full of noise. Pause puts everything on hold. Cuts through the sound to get to the silence of the soul. Prayer is asking questions and listening for the answers. Hearing the answers in the stillness. Taking the time to reflect on those answers. Sometimes that means reading scripture. Sometimes it means joining a group prayer. Sometimes it is just sitting quietly. 

Opportunity to fast and live more simply.

How much do I consume?
What in my life is excess?
Do I know the difference between my needs and wants?
Where do I waste?

Our society seems obsessed with consuming. Large dinner plates brimming with food. Department stores with all the latest fashion trends. Fasting helps me limit what I consume. Not just how much or what I eat, but what I buy when I go to the store, what I keep in my closet at home. When I fast I am forced to consider the value of what I have. Through fasting I strive to be mindful.

Opportunity to Give and Give Thanks.

What talents do I share with others?
Am I giving of my time?
Do I share my treasures?

We have received rich blessings in our lives. Many of these gifts we have received from family and friends, some from strangers as random acts of kindness. This week my husband stopped for gas. When he went in, he found that someone else had already paid for the fuel he put in the tank. My daughter was surprised to find that her family donated generously to the fundraiser she was participating in. We are so thankful for family and friends and strangers who have made a difference in our lives and who are actively living out their Lent. I have been blessed with the opportunity to reawaken the spirit of giving as part of my thanks for all that I have received.

Opportunity to reflect on what I have done and what I have failed to do.

    Am I responding with love and compassion, or do I lash out in anger?
Do I think about my actions before I react?
What about performing works of mercy? 

It is a hard reflection and a stern reminder that I need to atone for my sins if I want to be right with God. But I am so grateful to have Lent to help me do just that. A season in which we are encouraged to slow down and take time to pause, feed our souls, and renew our promises so that we might give back with an improved version of ourselves to make the world a better place to live.

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