Friday, December 22, 2017

What I want for Christmas

   Over the last few weeks I have had a lot of people ask me what I want for Christmas.

It really left me stumped. 

   After all, I don't sit around all day thinking about what I want. I actually spend most of my days trying to figure out where I need to be, what it is I'm supposed to be doing and how on Earth I am possibly going to accomplish it. Then, when I finish my coffee, I go and just do it and see how everything rolls.

   Everyone who asked me complained that I needed to come up with something more concrete, something that could be placed beneath the tree. So during my coffee session, I gave it my best effort and created a mental list so I could answer the question.

Apparently socks and underwear are NOT considered good answers.

Even if I really really really need them.

Well fine, back to the drawing board.

   This task was a little easier with my daughter, she had a set idea of what she wanted and I had a pretty good idea of what she needed, so when someone asked, I had some suggestions to give out. My husband was a piece of cake, he needed/wanted a new phone so I told him to pick one out and buy it.

   Having finally come to the conclusion that I was not going to receive socks and underwear, I broke down and bought some. Sitting with my morning coffee once more I decided to review my options.

It took two cups, but I finally came up with something.

A skateboard!

Cool, huh?

I thought so. But apparently my family is not on the same page.

   My daughters response was a horrified "NO MOM!" You would think I offered to come to school and sing the national anthem at the next assembly or post her cute baby pictures all over the halls.

Honestly, I've got those urges under control.

   Thinking that a skateboard (even the mini ones I was eyeing) were a little out of her price range, I decided to approach my husband. He has been telling me that he still needs to do his shopping and I thought that I would be able to make things a bit easier.

I might talk to him again if he ever stops laughing.

   He did tell me between fits of snorting and barely disguised giggles that he wasn't sure with my balance and walking abilities a skateboard was such a good choice.

 I have to admit, one leg doesn't lift too well and it's response time is less than desirable, but you only need one working leg to propel oneself on a skateboard. Since I already have a great deal of forward motion going for me, I explained that a skateboard would be ideal to keep up with my momentum and efforts to stay upright.

   He left for work with a twinkle in his eye and an undisguised chuckle. I get the distinct feeling there will be no wheeled packages under the tree for me this year.

   As he drove away for work I told him to stuff a sock in it. I know what is going to be in his Christmas stocking this year.

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