Friday, September 13, 2019

Flatbed Felony

The truck died. As in "up and turned itself off, stopped moving and wouldn't turn back on" died.

It's a pretty specific form of death.

Ok, Ok, Ok already!
   At least I was in a parking lot. It could have been a whole lot worse. I could have been at the traffic light several blocks prior, where it had decided to make new and unusual noises, loud enough to be heard over the radio. If you've ever heard me play the radio, you understand these new engine noises ranked up there with sonic booms. It was the lack of noise, however, that proved to be a problem. A dead truck is a quiet truck.

   A kind stranger helped me push it into a parking spot. Yep, just the two of us. We were both wondering where the strapping young men were who are adept at this type of activity were hiding. I had to admit, I thought the father of two was quite powerful, but compared to my 5'2", just about anyone looks taller and tougher than me. I did help push. It wasn't going to budge without two of us applying muscle.

   Thankfully, I have been good about working out lately, because it took all those arm muscles and a bit of core muscle just to turn the wheel so we could place the truck in the closest spot between two other vehicles. We were very proud of ourselves. Not everyone can push around a pick up truck.

Did I mention the truck stopped on an upward slope?

   After thanking this helpful stranger, I went in the building and spent the next hour teaching 4th graders. It was the first day of RE classes (catechism classes), and I figured calling the tow truck could wait. The truck was in a parking lot. Where was it going to go? (Well, I did accidently leave it unlocked, maybe with the hopes that someone would steal it, but I suspect thieves don't steal vehicles that don't run. It was still there when I came out of class.)

   Again, I reminded myself, things could have been worse. After all, the truck has broken down in far more unfortunate locations, like...
  • The side of the road
  • The middle of the road
  • Ditches
  • The middle of nowhere
   A parking lot? No problem. Well, kinda no problem. The parking lot was fairly clear once classes let out, but after calling AAA I had to convince other drivers coming to later events to kindly NOT park next to my vehicle so the tow truck would have an easier time extracting it from the space. Some of them weren't too happy with me.

   In between making new friends in the parking lot, I tried to start the truck, just for giggles. There were no giggles. Thank heavens for AAA. We've had this service for years and I highly recommend it. In our case we have the platinum coverage, because not only are we good at breakdown, but we have managed to do so with a trailer in tow! We're not amatures. 

I had the truck towed home where I prayed for lightning or a tornado.

Unfortunately, inclement weather wasn't offering assistance. When I woke up the next morning, the stupid rust bucket was still sitting in the driveway.


   If only the truck could have waited another week. We were getting ready to trade it in for a newer model. One less than twenty years old. It was as if the SUV in the garage told the pickup truck what we were doing and it broke down in protest. Either that or it got wind of a check hitting the bank account. I'm convinced that vehicles can sense when even the slightest increase in funds occurs.

You want to know what was wrong with the truck?  We got a paycheck.

   I suspect with a newer model truck, matters will only get worse. Now equipped with bluetooth, internet, and data capabilities, I'm betting these vehicles will not only be able to monitor financial institutions remotely, but they'll also have the ability to transfer funds directly to the service facility of their choosing. Nothing like having a flatbed committing a felony.

Is that all it does?
I may have to take out Swiss bank accounts under an alias if I want to have any savings whatsoever.

   Still, I love pick-em-up trucks. They haul, they push, they pull, they handle rugged terrain, and best of all, they look good when they're covered with dirt. They are my favorite vehicles and I can't imagine life without them. What other form of transportation offers a bed that doesn't have to be made?

   A new(er) one is going to look really good in my drive. Just as soon as I figure out what to do with the silent one sulking there. I don't suppose we're due for an earthquake any time soon...

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