Monday, April 20, 2020

Locked up and Loopy: Episode 3

   Day something or other of the Corona Covid shelter-in-place, social distance quarantine lockdown and it's finally happened. My husband has left the house without wearing pants!

It's a little chilly for the shorts, but I think he wants to cut down on the amount of wash we are doing.

We seem to be doing an unprecedented amount of laundry. In all the history of having a girl child who used to change clothes four times a day, I've never seen this much laundry. I'm not entirely sure who is wearing all of these clothes, or why, since literally no one is going anywhere.

   Well, I'm not anyway.

   The honor of going out to forage for food and supplies is left to my husband. It comes down to health, and unfortunately, my risk factor is higher. That and police involvement during a pandemic probably wouldn't look good on my record. Oh yes, I have a record.

   I'm beginning to get a little jealous, and I don't like shopping. I thought I would be relieved to pass this chore onto someone else, but it turns out that as a result of my following the guidelines of social-distancing-stay-in-placing, I now have a serious case of getmeoutofthehouseitis that seems to worsen as each day passes. 

Last weekend, I worked from the back seat of the pickup truck in our driveway.

   The truck makes a wonderful workspace. There are plenty of drink holders and an outlet should the laptop run low on battery power. My phone connects seamlessly with the audio system and I can play my music at a level of my choosing without anyone complaining. (Unless you have the windows down, then you may actually hear the complaints. I recommend only opening the window in the sunroof.)

   It had a great view of the house and the street and as an added bonus, I could see the sky too! 

Honestly, I wasn't napping.

My case of getmeoutofthehouseitis has become so bad I have cleaned the camper and readied it for our next trip.

   Mind you, I don't know when that will be. Everything is closed. I can't even stay overnight in the backyard since sprinting for the house potty in the middle of the night would not end well. Yes, the camper has a bathroom. No, we can't use it because we have no way to clean it out when it gets full because the local sanitary dump station is locked down. Sigh.

  This afternoon I worked from the camper. (Bathroom breaks are much easier to navigate during daylight hours.) The backyard is looking pretty spiffy. With the exposure from the west facing window at the dining table, I could enjoy the sun and still see the screen on the computer monitor. But I could also see the tree needs some major trimming. And didn't we talk about dismantling the sandbox this year?

   Desperate to be relieved from another bout of projects, my husband took me for a short drive.

To a cemetery.

   It's the second cemetery we've visited this week. I'm not sure what he's trying to tell me. I mean, the cemetery is nice and peaceful and everything, but is he expecting the second coming? Patrolling for zombies? I'm a little baffled by his sudden and unexpected interest in burial real estate. I really was kidding about the plot in our backyard that is just his size. I may have to be more careful...Nah.

   Regardless of my husbands odd scenic choices, the drive did help with my getmeoutofthehouseitis. Too bad the drives have to be short. I would love a long drive, but then where does one go to the bathroom during a pandemic? I would suggest hitching up the camper and taking it along as a mobile port-o-potty, but the aforementioned dump station is truly closed until who knows when and I am sure us driving aimlessly about with a camper in tow is going to arouse suspicion. Um, sorry officer, we were just going for a drive and not socially interacting with anyone but needed to bring our lunch and bathroom?

Yeah, I can see the headlines now.

I think I'll go back to playing with my fidget spinner.

1 comment:

  1. Well, shorts are pants with legs cut off so it would cut down on volume. 👍
