Sunday, December 3, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Jade)

    Feeling a bit Jaded these days?

Then this blog post is for you!

Jade Gemstone Skull

Get it? Jaded? 💀😂😂😂 I just crack myself up!

   Seriously though, Jade is such a cool gem stone. It can be found anywhere in the world that rock is formed under higher pressure. There are two main types of Jade - nephrite and jadite, each having their own unique properties. Nephrite Jade is the more common of the two and is typically a softer and more porous stone.
   Most Jade is found in northern Myanmar in a region known as the Jade Tract, but it can also be found in China, Russia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA, to name a few places. With a Mohs hardness of 6-7, it is highly resistant to scratches, making it ideal to use in jewelry.

Nephrite Jade Ring

   Jade is often associated with nobility and wealth and considered a protector of generations, both living and dead. Jade is also used for luck, healing, prosperity, purity, wisdom, tranquility, and increasing energy. So not is it only pretty, it is pretty powerful too!

Jade Palm Stone

Imagine holding this puppy in the palm of your hand!

Gold Jade Tumbled Stone
   Although the most popular color for Jade is green, t can be found in red, black, brown, gray, yellow, and white or cream, each with slightly different spiritual connotations. For
example, yellow (or gold) Jade is often associated with peace, meditation, fertility and to strengthen love, whereas red Jade symbolizes strength, ambition and and pursuing goals with passion and determination. White Jade emphasizes peace and harmony, working with the Crown Chakra to clear the mind of distraction and negative thoughts.

Who knew?

   Okay, my boss knew, and probably a few others as well, but I learned something new.

   Not only learned something, but also developed a sudden urge to go shopping! Feel yourself being pulled to this gem as well? Want to learn more about this fascinating stone? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of Jade products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home. Click on the links above and below to view a sample of the products available.

Jade Money Frog
Jade Lavender Chip Bracelet

Jade Buddha

That’s all for now from the Shinyite School of Stones

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Scam Scooters

The holidays are near and shopping season is upon us, so it seemed like a good time to repost.

My Transformer Remote Control Folding Electric Scooter has finally arrived!

   All for the low, low cost of $48.03 (USD) - including $12.00 (USD) shipping cost and $1.05 (USD) shipping insurance.

   Normally $699.00 (USD), it was a huge savings, especially with the Spare Lithium Battery - Transformer/Mobie Plus as advertised on Facebook.

   The advertisement even mentioned a basket and cupholder that they would throw in for free.

So cool.

Except it's not the right color, unless the box counts.

Doesn't quite look like the picture on the receipt either.

   Nor does it look at all like the item shown in the video from the ad on Facebook. I'm not thinking I will be able to ride the product I received, let alone drive over parking blocks or carry full bottles of water from the water cooler.

   Hmmm, could I have been scammed? Was an item listed hundreds of dollars below market price really too good to be true?

But it was on Facebook! I saw it in my Instagram feed. It even showed up as an ad in my news app! A Walmart New Year's Special. See, they are even running an ad now for Walmart Valentine's Day.

It must be legit!

Listed under multiple companies like Circuihy StoreConfirnug AGenrosixhTechniculBloerovestar shop, and many, many others, there is no way this could be a scam.

Wait, is Adequatia offering the same product for only $33.99 (USD) on Facebook?

Oh man, if I had only waited, I could have paid less. What was I thinking?

   To be honest, what I was thinking was: This is a scam. Let's see what shows up.

   It was like purchasing the Mystery Bag at the dime store, wondering what surprise awaited inside the brown paper bag. Undoubtedly it would be worth half of the purchase price. I was under no illusions, I knew that this was a scam - thus I used Paypal to make the purchase and protect my accounts.

    It was the source of countless entertaining hours for my husband and I as we speculated what we might receive. Would it just be the remote control for the scooter? Maybe a lifelike toy? Or perhaps something altogether different. Some people spend $50.00 (USD) to go to the movies. We never even had to leave the comfort of our own home.

The big day finally came.

    My purchase had arrived! But... there was no box on the porch. The box in the video was fairly sizeable, so it is not like I could overlook it. I checked in the back yard thinking maybe the delivery driver just didn't want to leave it on the front porch. Our street is fairly busy, but it was not there either. There was no package next to the mailbox, however, when I looked inside...there it was!

Or wasn't, depending on your expectations.

   As for me, I was expecting a package. Not necessarily the item I ordered, but a package.

And I did indeed receive a package.

Moreover, it was a package with TWO mailing labels.

   I wasn't terribly surprised to find that the item I ordered wasn't made in the USA, as advertised. It came from much, much farther away.

   As expected, the item I received, although quite a handy product, was also worth much less than I paid.

   Perhaps there was a mix up in shipping, a direct result of our government shooting down that innocent civilian balloon from China. It could have been a relay balloon for consumer purchases. Maybe it was an honest mistake, after all, the packaging was BLUE and the item I ordered was BLUE. I can see how such a mix up may occur. When they said it was manufactured in California, it might have meant the ad was created in California. After all, vacuums that are listed as "Made in the USA" are often not even assembled in the USA...

   Or, more likely, it was a deliberate SCAM, as reported on Reddit, YouTube,, and among the many places I found the scam alert. I wasn't surprised. A quick search on the internet will show the price of mobility scooters anywhere from $699.00 to $4000.00 (USD). I was just a tad disappointed that I didn't receive the gray earmuffs that most people reported as having received from the scammers.

   I was also grateful not to be on a fixed income where such entertainment might be devastating, both emotionally and financially. If you ever find yourself in doubt about an advertised product, research, shop around, and ask someone you trust to take a look at an item before you hit the "purchase" button. Scams are becoming the new norm, preying on the unsuspecting and desperate. They come complete with legitimate looking logos, secure payment sites, and robotically driven confirmations and tracking information. The only thing scammers lack is a sense of morals.

So let my entertainment be a warning. If it seems too good to be true...IT IS!!!  

Unless you really wanted a USB cord or a pair of earmuffs.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Tanzanite)

Thunderbolts and lightning can be very very frightening, especially if they cause wildfires...

Forest Fire image from Pixabay on Pexels

But sometimes, they can lead to wonderful discoveries.

   Which is exactly what happened in Tanzania in 1967 when lightning struck in the hills of Merelani exposing zoisite to the heat of a forest fire. After the fire subsided, local Maasai herders discovered beautiful blue crystals on the ground. Considering the crystals sacred they began giving them to Maasai women after giving birth to promote health, positivity, good fortune, and prosperity.

   Later falling into the merchant hands of Manuel D'Souza, they were mistaken for Sapphires until the British Museum and Harvard University identified the stone as Blue Zoisite, a previously unknown gemstone. 😲

   Not a very exciting name, if you ask me. Evidently, no one else really thought so either, especially not Tiffany & Company who renamed the stone in 1968 after Tanzania, where it was found. As a matter of fact, this gemstone is only found in the hills of Merelani in Tanzania, and only mined in one small mine that is 1 mile wide by 5 miles long!

That makes Tanzanite rarer than Diamonds!

                   Prettier too, if you ask me. 

Tanzanite & Sapphire Pendant

   Don't let it's pretty face fool you though, Tanzanite packs a spiritual punch! Commonly believed to facilitate higher consciousness while stimulating intuition and perception (think third eye chakra), this gem is also believed to aid in detoxifying the body and improve vitality. It is said to be a good stone to wear or have in situations where a calming and soothing presence is needed.

Tanzanite & Sapphire Ring

      Personally, I think think this stone really livens things up. It is after all associated with new life and new beginnings.

Remember, the Maasai gave it to women after they gave birth!

   Thanks to high vibrations, people often use this stone to deepen meditation and facilitate spiritual growth. It is considered a good support for emotional healing, promoting inner harmony and peace. Moreover, it is thought to provide protection against negative energy and psychic attacks. As an elegant gemstone, it is often worn as a symbol of the bond of love between two people.

   Feel yourself being pulled to this gem? Want to learn more about this fascinating crystal? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products containing Tanzanite to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home. Click on the links above and below to view a sample of the products available.

Tanzanite & Sapphire Earrings
That’s all for now from the Shinyite School of Stones

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Hematite)

What looks like metal but is considered a crystal?

My favorite shinyite gemstone- Hematitie!

Tumbled Hematitie

Is Hematite a real stone?

   Weeelll actually...Hematite isn't classified officially as a gemstone, Instead, it's an iron oxide mineral and relatively soft one at that. With a hardness of just 5.5, you can scratch the Hematite mineral with a metal nail or similar item, and it can break if struck hard against a surface, so don't plan on using it as a hammer!

   Despite its fragility, Hematite is a symbol of strength, worn by warriors to improve their chance of survival. Go figure. Maybe because they take a scratching and keep on going? Or maybe because the name Hematite comes from the Greek word for blood and is rusty in appearance, like a warrior after battle. Or me after a trip down the stairs...

  Fun fact:

Fine grained Hematite is what gives Mars its red hue.

Perhaps this is really an alien stone! 👽👽👽

      While that would be cool, Hematite actually occurs naturally on Earth and is found in sediment deposits. The world's largest deposit is in the Lake Superior district in North America. It is commonly used to make jewelry, used in the polishing process, used for heavy media separation, to produce pigments and is often put in homes for positive energy.

This shinyite is one busy stone, er, I mean mineral.
   To make this shinyite even more cool, not only can it be found naturally, but it can also be manufactured! Don't let that worry you, manufacturing Hematite doesn't detract from the crystal's potent capabilities. Both natural and manufactured stones are believed to help in promoting calmness, booting confidence, and offering protection. This stone is also considered useful for healing, grounding and divination, which is beneficial for dealing with the root chakra since it aids in transforming negative energy into positive energy.
Hematite Bead Bracelet
   Also considered a "stone for the mind," Hematite is thought to stimulate concentration and focus, as well as enhance memory and original thought. Hematite is believed to utilize the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. 
After my last trip down the stairs, I sure could use some of that stability! 
Want to learn more about this fascinating stone/crystal/mineral? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products containing Hematite to pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home. Click on the links below to view a sample of the products available.

That’s all for now from the Shinyite School of Stones

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Ruby)

 Birthstone of July, Ruby is the red shinyite of the month.

Ruby Pendant

   With a Mohs hardness of 9 it is considered one of the hardest stones second only to diamonds! As durable gems, they are commonly used in jewelry settings, but they are also used in watchmaking, medical instruments, and lasers because of their incredible strength and red fluorescence. Who knew?

Ruby Ring
   While this gemstone can be made synthetically, it is not difficult to find natural stones as they are mined in a wide variety of locations around the world from Burma (Also referred to as the Myanmar Ruby) to Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, the United States as well Vietnam. Mind you, the Burma Rubies are some of the most rare and fetch prices that are far above my purchasing capacity, but there are equally as beautiful and more affordable options for anyone looking to obtain this gemstone. They just might have a little more pink or purple coloring... and some might be considered more sapphire than ruby. Interestingly enough, rubies are part of the same gem family as sapphires, which is called a corundum. Both contain the chemical formula Al₂O₃. Pretty neat.

So what makes a ruby a ruby? 

That's actually a kind of hard question to answer.
(Get it? Hard? As in Mohs Hardness? - I crack myself up!) 😂😂😂

   Well, to answer my own question, rubies are inherently red - like Dorothy's slippers in the Wizard of Oz, while sapphires are any other color. However, this being said, rubies by definition can have pink, purple, or orange undertones. The dominance of the undertones is what determines whether the stone is a ruby or a sapphire.

   On a spiritual level, these versatile and colorful gems are associated with improved energy and concentration, joy, creativity, loyalty, honor and compassion. They are also thought to be protective of home, possessions and family. Ruby is said to stimulate the heart chakra and bring spiritual wisdom and emotional healing while shielding against psychic attacks, making them a lovely addition to any collection.

Want to learn more about this fascinating stone? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products containing Ruby to pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home. Click on the links below to view a sample of the products available.

Ruby Zoisite Pencil Pendant

That’s all for now from the Shinyite School of Stones

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁


Monday, July 3, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Opalite)



   Ohhh, look at the pretty cloudy sky blue shinyite!

Like a summer sky with white puffy clouds,
it exudes a sense of peace and tranquility.

   As it should - Blue and white, the two primary colors often found in Opalite, are associated with peace, tranquility and purity. Natural Opalite is usually found in Africa and Brazil, although there are man made Opalites created by opalizing glass, creating stunning colors.

So how is natural Opal formed as opposed to man made Opal?

   Natural Opal is formed from a solution of silicon dioxide and water. As water runs down through the earth, it picks up silica from sandstone and carries the solution into cracks and voids caused by natural faults or decomposing fossils. When the water evaporates, the silica deposit is left behind. They are commonly formed by volcanic activity, but it's pretty darn rare.

   Most Opalite is man-made and made of glass. The glass is often composed of dolomite and metal to best replicate natural opal's volcanic conditions. As with any glass, the process starts melting raw materials down to a liquid, then allowing the mixture to cool and solidify. This process results in a beautiful more readily available stone.

Chakra Inscribed Opalite Obelisk
      Either way, Opalite is a pretty cool stone. For crystal healers, Opalite is steeped in profound symbolism. It is considered to be emblematic of youthful optimism, playfulness and resilience. In addition, this stone is believed to improve communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It is used to remove energy blockages of the chakras and considered emotionally helpful in assisting in transitions of any kind, engendering persistence and strength.

Just don't leave it in water!

   Opalite is only a moderately hard mineral with a value of 5-6.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which is just above the minimum value required for minerals to survive underwater. As a result, prolonged immersion in water will dull the appearance and damage the stone.

   Not to worry, this doesn't detract from it's luminous beauty and many intrinsic benefits of the crystal. It is after all the stone of love!

Want to learn more about this fascinating stone? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of products containing Opalite to pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home. Click on the links below to view a sample of the products available.

That’s all for now from the Shinyite School of Stones

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

Monday, June 19, 2023

Hello Charlie!


   I'd like to introduce the newest addition to our household --- Charlie!

   Charlie is quite a personality. He is very docile and is very easy to handle, but is also playful and silly. We spent hours observing bird behavior before picking one we thought would gel with our household. Right from day one we were able to pick him up (without him doing the exorcist number and poking holes in our hands) and he was willing to get on our fingers... well mostly.

   By day two, he was out of the cage and running around on the floor evading capture! We don't particularly like clipped wings on a bird, but there were no other options so Charlie is unable to fly at this time. Probably a good thing, he loves to play try and get me under the table! I can't imagine trying to get him off the curtains. His favorite perch when out of the cage immediately became the cross bars under our living room chairs.

   Visualize this (I was laughing to hard to video tape): About a week after Charlie moved in, my six foot husband chasing a two ounce animal around the room before finally lifting one of the chairs he ran under, only to be confused as there was no bird. You guessed it, Charlie was perched on the cross bars staring at him, a smug look on his face. He may have been laughing too!

   Before you become concerned about Charlie's safety and well being in our house, let me assure you, we are not first time bird owners and we spend considerable amount of time training and working with a new bird (approximately five hours a day are spent training and handling Charlie, the balance of the day is spent interacting and just being with him). His first excursion out of the cage was in a controlled environment where we could keep him safe. We have also been educated (by our vet) on how to pick up a bird and prevent injury and have spent hours of research on birds and behaviors, handling and well being. Charlie will be fed a balanced diet, monitored when he is loose, and have regular vet visits. I advise anyone considering a bird of any type to do their homework and get an education on our feathered friends. They require a lot of attention and can be a lot of work, but if you like birds, it is worth the effort.

   Like anything worthwhile, time and patience is necessary. As well as a lot of clean up!

   As the days passed and he got used to his new home, his personality began to fully emerge... 

He is curious. He is very playful. He loves to do gymnastics (what bird likes to do summersaults?) and hang upside down. He is goofy and has a sense of humor. He has taken to grooming our hair. He likes to tease. He is a bit clumsy.

In his defense, he is just a baby. Less than six month's old.

   How can we tell?

First, the stripes on his forehead reach all the way down to his nose (seer). As he grows older, they will recede, like a guy's hairline. Also, his band color, placed around his ankle by the breeder, indicates he was born this year. It's on his right leg, which also tells us he is a male. If the band was on the left leg it would indicate the bird was a female. Another indicator of the bird's gender is the seer (or nose). Blue typically is a male, brown or tan is typically a female. Note: The color sometimes can change during their first year of life, so don't rely solely on this for gender identification.

So no, I wasn't checking his little birdy parts to try and figure out if he was a boy.

   Not that it really mattered to us. We were looking at personality traits. Was the bird curious and playing with the toys? Was the bird clean and actively preening? Did the bird display aggressiveness or seem possessive? Did the bird appear to be in good health and were the other birds in the enclosure in good health?

We wanted to bring home an individual who would be happy in our household.

I think we succeeded!

   As the days passed and we introduced new things to him, Charlie became more comfortable with his new environment and his new family of ugly featherless birds. We in turn have enjoyed chasing him around, talking to him, taking him for walks in his backpack, cleaning up bird seed (It's EVERYWHERE), and cuddling.

    Now a fully integrated member of our family (He has gone camping and gone to work with my husband), Charlie is starting to develop new skills. He will give a claw and shake hands, play peek-a-boo and knows his name. If you call, he is starting to respond. If you want him to come, he will come half way, then chatter and run off...

Maybe we are the ones being trained. Hmmm.
  Perhaps we didn't actually pick him, he may have picked us!

Gotta go now, Charlie calls!

The Tree of Life


Tree of Life w/Chakra Stones


   Our planet abounds with trees, from coniferous trees that maintain green needles throughout the year to deciduous trees that drop their leaves every fall and remain bare until spring when new buds emerge.

   Some are tall and majestic like the broad California Sequoia, while others remain small, such as the ornamental Blue Chinese Wisteria.

   Just as there are trees of many colors and varieties, trees can have many symbolic meanings, from strength, individuality, and expression to calmness, growth, and the interconnectedness of everything.

   Even the Tree of Life has different meanings for different people. First appearing in Mesopotamia, it was adopted by numerous cultures. For the Hebrews, the Tree of Life imparts God's own life and to be near it and eat of it means to be near God and ingest his own life power and presence. From the Christian perspective, trees have their own divinely established tasks; keeping humans alive, giving them a place to live and provide food to sustain them. The Tree of Life is

Celtic Tree of Life Tapestry

placed in the center of the sacred space, meaning the life it offers is not inherent to the tree, but a divine gift given through the tree.

   The tree in Quran is used as an example for a concept, idea, way of life or code of life while in Buddhist culture, the tree of life is symbolic of enlightenment and existence while Hindus view it as a symbol of fertility, prosperity and eternal life. The Celts viewed the tree of life as a connection between heaven and earth, mind and body, the physical and the spiritual, representing the incessant cycle of life and the gift of rebirth and often believed trees were their ancestors and gatekeepers to the otherworld. Among the Greeks, it is the source of life, a force connecting all life and is often protected by supernatural guardians. Chinese carvings of the tree of life generally depict a phoenix and a dragon, the symbols for rebirth and immortality!

And I thought just looking up into the branches of a tree made me dizzy!

   In each of these traditions, there is a basic foundation of connectedness of all things. Each part of the tree can represent a different aspect of the interconnectedness of life; the roots symbolizing a connection to the Earth, the trunk representing our connection to the physical world, and the branches associated with connection to the divine and all things heavenly. Just wearing the tree of life is believed to help improve courage and inner strength. Whether you are searching for wisdom and knowledge, or a connection with the divine, the tree of life is a powerful symbol.

 Want to learn more about the Tree of life? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchy's carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this ancient and revered symbol. They also carry a variety of products containing the Tree of Life to wear, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

See something you like? Click on the links!

Tree of Life Pendulum Mat
Onyx Moon w/Tree of Life