Sunday, December 3, 2023

Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Jade)

    Feeling a bit Jaded these days?

Then this blog post is for you!

Jade Gemstone Skull

Get it? Jaded? 💀😂😂😂 I just crack myself up!

   Seriously though, Jade is such a cool gem stone. It can be found anywhere in the world that rock is formed under higher pressure. There are two main types of Jade - nephrite and jadite, each having their own unique properties. Nephrite Jade is the more common of the two and is typically a softer and more porous stone.
   Most Jade is found in northern Myanmar in a region known as the Jade Tract, but it can also be found in China, Russia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA, to name a few places. With a Mohs hardness of 6-7, it is highly resistant to scratches, making it ideal to use in jewelry.

Nephrite Jade Ring

   Jade is often associated with nobility and wealth and considered a protector of generations, both living and dead. Jade is also used for luck, healing, prosperity, purity, wisdom, tranquility, and increasing energy. So not is it only pretty, it is pretty powerful too!

Jade Palm Stone

Imagine holding this puppy in the palm of your hand!

Gold Jade Tumbled Stone
   Although the most popular color for Jade is green, t can be found in red, black, brown, gray, yellow, and white or cream, each with slightly different spiritual connotations. For
example, yellow (or gold) Jade is often associated with peace, meditation, fertility and to strengthen love, whereas red Jade symbolizes strength, ambition and and pursuing goals with passion and determination. White Jade emphasizes peace and harmony, working with the Crown Chakra to clear the mind of distraction and negative thoughts.

Who knew?

   Okay, my boss knew, and probably a few others as well, but I learned something new.

   Not only learned something, but also developed a sudden urge to go shopping! Feel yourself being pulled to this gem as well? Want to learn more about this fascinating stone? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of Jade products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home. Click on the links above and below to view a sample of the products available.

Jade Money Frog
Jade Lavender Chip Bracelet

Jade Buddha

That’s all for now from the Shinyite School of Stones

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

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