Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ever wonder what makes a good day?

   Some days are better than others.

   My day started out after my kid was on the bus. I had a cup of coffee and was catching up on my emails. Then the phone rang. It was the radiologist. I need to come back and have another mammogram on both breasts. Something about the originals did not come out (I assume they meant photos, not breasts). Oh boy! Lucky me! Can't wait. Why don't I do this more often? I schedule for next week. I am already busy for the rest of this week.

   I decide to change into jeans and tee shirt and head off to my girlfriend's house to pack boxes.  She is prepping to move and I have some free time today.  Takes me 10 minutes to convince the bird she needs to go back in her cage. Then I leave home.

   I am passed on the one lane entrance ramp to the highway. Evidently 30mph isn't fast enough. A little further along, I learn some new interesting driving maneuvers when the semi truck next to me decides to changes lanes, and I am still in the one he selected.

   I get to my friend's house and am greeted at the door by one happy dog! The cat lifts his leg and begins cleaning himself. I open windows to let the wonderful breeze in. Then I grab the dog's leash to take him out back.

   I check out the grass up close and personal. Yup, still wet from yesterday's rain.

   Dog cowers under backyard tree while I yell at him. I yell at squirrel for good measure.

   Back in house I select boxes to start packing up the white cabinet on my instruction list. I accidentally lock cat in the box room.

   I pack all the glass items from the white cabinet carefully. I write down a detailed list of what is in the boxes. I feel creative and make up a new random system for numbering boxes. I label everything study because I like the color of the labels.

   I finish the white cabinet and head back to get more boxes. I trip over cat as he streaks out of box room.

   With new boxes, I start packing up punch bowl cups. I lose count after about 200.

    For a change of scenery, I take the purple Rubbermaid container and pack up all the fancy dolls in the bed room. Unable to decide if I want to label this box Kitchen or Living Room, I leave the tote on my friend's bed. She can decide later. I am hungry.

   I discover the cats have left me no shrimp or lobster for lunch. So I decide to make myself an egg burrito. I worry that she might miss a tortilla, after all, there are only about 100 in the fridge. I get out pan and attempt to turn on the stove.

  After I blow up house, I cook my egg on the smoldering cinders. I eat my tasty egg burrito on the melted Rubbermaid tote and wash up the dishes I used. No sense in making a mess.

   Getting back to work, I struggle to get the tape off the dispenser. After a long hard struggle (and some language that would make a sailor blush), I get some of the clear tape free of the roll, storm out in the back yard and tape the squirrel to the tree. That will teach that rodent to laugh at me!

   Now out of tape, I think I have pretty much done all I can do for a day. I have to get back to get my daughter off the bus after all. I close all windows and lock all doors and head out.

   Driving home on the expressway, I discover that I missed the memo that all the speed limits signs on the expressway are now obsolete. Speed limit now 110 mph.

  I pass an unmarked squad car with the front in smashed in. About 100 yards ahead of the car is a semi truck. I know it is a squad since the officer has the lights going in the back window. Someone is having a really bad day.

  I give thanks that I am not having a really bad day.

   I wait for the bus. Today is the last day of school! I think we will play in the yard in the beautiful weather, but only after we empty out the backpack and the lunch box. We don't want a repeat of last year and find a sandwich when school starts in the fall!


  1. Thank you for the hard work and I am glad the cat and dog were happy to see you!

  2. ermagerd, Duckiie's got a blog! And nobody told me! Now I have to read all the back issues! :)
