Saturday, July 12, 2014

Missing the water...NOT

   As storms have passed our way in recent weeks, I have read how my friends have struggled with lack of utilities, namely electricity. Without it, they have been struggling with generators to keep the sump pump working night and day so that they don't wind up with an in ground swimming pool – in their basement. Simple things like dressing for work in the morning have become chores done blindly in the dark. Those that don't have a trusty generator worry about the food in their fridge and wonder just how much a person can cook and eat in two days. And heaven forbid that they want to catch some screen time, surf on their computer or charge their cell phone in the house. I can sympathize, I have been there, done that. I am feeling thankful that I have been spared.

   And then, suddenly, without a storm, I lose a utility too. Not electricity or gas, but water. The water main has broken – specifically the one that runs to the house.  Ever notice how things seem really large when they happen? Well, it was a lot of water. Maybe not Niagra Falls big. The whole ditch surged and looked like liked the ground had come alive, like a snake. The water rushed underground for about 10 feet before surfacing. The water guy said they lost about 1300 gallons overnight. Or something like that.

   Well that just sucks. Bottled water to brush teeth or make coffee. Bucket of water to pour into the toilet to flush. No finishing the wash, no cleaning the bathrooms, no watering the garden, no mopping the utility room and no running the dishwasher. Wait a minute, am I seriously complaining about this? I was just relived of most of today's chores. I can focus on whatever I like. I don't even have to worry about staining the porch swing – cause how would I clean the brush out when I was done?

   I am thrilled to be without water! At least on a temporary basis. And I can fill my buckets at the neighbor's house (they did not lose water – the break is on the main that goes to my house, just the other side of the shut off valve, city side, not mine). We live in an urban area, so bottled water is just down the street. And I can shower at mom's or my friend's or even the gym. Well, at my mom's or friend's house. The gym sounds like work today.

   So I can concentrate on the projects I have been meaning to do, like finish re-organizing the office. It has been a tornado touchdown for about two weeks now. No problem – I don't have any other chores hanging over my head. And do some writing. With summer break my schedule has been all goofed up and I am unfocused. Of course the office situation doesn't help with the focus issue.

   Then, GASP, I might just take a break. Maybe read a book. Or sit in the yard and watch the guys working on the main. Far better than anything I could find on TV. Especially since we have been blessed with cooler temps today.

   I give quiet thanks that the break is not on my side of the line. I rejoice in my unexpected break from the daily grind (especially from doing more wash or dishes or cleaning bathrooms)! This utility interruption is just what I needed, a chance to regroup, refocus and recharge. Sometimes the best things to happen to us are the things we least expect.

Who knew?

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