Friday, August 22, 2014

Picture perfect work space

   Like my work station today? Jealous? Wish your work station looked like this? I thought it looked like something out of a magazine, so I took a picture. It was everything I envisioned my perfect work space to look like.  A cup of tea, a snack, comfy couch and a lap top. I even have a window with a view and a small feathered companion (not pictured here). Sounds better and better. I gotta stop reading magazines.

   Remember that old saying "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?" That's because someone spray painted the grass. Folks do that you know. I saw it on one of those home shows where they are fixing up a house to sell it. Boy am I glad I am not in the market to buy a house.

   While the picture may look great, it doesn't tell the whole story. It left out the part about the tea being cold. I had to leave my work space to switch laundry and other tasks. By the time I returned, the tea had gone cold. I wanted hot tea. And that lovely snack is my lunch. I was going to heat up leftovers, but then became so engrossed in what I was doing I never got around to it. So crackers and cookie butter it is. Not to mention the fact that I am avoiding the kitchen right now as I spent the last three days reorganizing and purging the cabinets. All of them. I never do something half way. I needed a break from the kitchen, even if it meant sacrificing my lunch.

   The bird not pictured has been busy throwing seeds outside her cage to tidy up the place. That is my feathered companion. She started this after I put her in her cage and closed the doors to keep her from picking at the paint on the window sill. She had been picking at the paint to get even with me for shooing her off my laptop where she found it entertaining to hit the delete button while I was trying to type. I believe she is calling me unpleasant names in parakeet language.

   Hidden behind the couch is the yoga mat and stretchy bands for the exercise I had intended to do this week. Along with a lot of other stuff, like yarn for a crochet project and misc art supplies. I am very grateful that I don't have a couch with legs. They may be trend right now to help people make their spaces seem more open and airy, but then I would have no place to store the stuff I have back there. I can't put it behind the entertainment center, the masonite for my daughter's tap dancing is stored there. And no, my daughter doesn't take tap dance classes.

   You also might notice that I am not seated at this work station. A crucial part of getting work done is the person doing the work. Not much of a work station if the worker is absent. Where was I? Before I took the picture, I was taking care of other stuff that had to get done. My brain was on hold and no matter how inviting my space might look, it was not providing any inspiration that leads to productivity, so I abandoned it to accomplish other tasks in the hope of jump starting my brain.

   Also not pictured are co-workers. Someone with whom to collaborate and toss ideas around. I have my feathered companion, but as I mentioned before, she is currently calling me names and throwing seeds on the floor. The floor that I vacuumed this morning, I might add.

   And the part of this work station that doesn't show the most is the lack of a pay check. I am diligent with my work (even if you cannot see me pictured), but at this time it provides no income. This is a definite downside, and one that should not be overlooked when considering this option for a work space.

  Rest assured, later today my work station won't look this picture perfect. It will most likely have someone's dirty socks on it, not to mention the crumbs from my cracker and cookie butter lunch. Chances are, I will have abandoned the space and fled to another part of the house with my laptop to reduce interruptions.

   So don't be jealous of my work station. A picture is a transitional moment in time. It doesn't always tell the true or complete story. Green grass is grown by spreading around a lot of manure. You probably won't see that pictured in a magazine.

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