Friday, October 3, 2014

Feast of the Guardian Angels

   Yesterday was the Feast of the Guardian Angels. Considering how much work those angels do in our family, I supposed we should have had a celebration for them.

In this household, they get a pretty good workout! Just look at some of the crisis they have handled in the past two years.

There was a guardian angel with my husband when he dropped a heavy crate on his head and was not wearing his hard hat. The angel probably gave him more sympathy than I did.

And I definitely think there was one watching over my daughter when she fell off her swing set and had a bad, scary landing.

Can you believe an hour later she was hopping around the ER?
Hey look, another ER visit, this time with dad. Hmmm, starting to see a trend.
Same hospital, different family member. I recognize the doctors. I know where to find the good free coffee here. Incidentally, they don't provide alcohol for family members. Or calming drugs.


We can't even take a vacation without action. Fortunately we were spared the tornados and made it out before the flash flooding. We were blessed that the flooding stopped before it swamped our camper.
That's a lot of flashing lights.
Our Camper is the one on the right.
Instant swimming pool.

Then there was this. Really, not as bad as it looked, and no one was hurt.

I met a wasp on vacation. No ER this time, YAY!


I might have been upset if I knew there was a tornado in the vicinity. Again, angels watching out for us.

And this was just coming home from gathering at relatives house!

   After seeing all these photos, I am reminded just how blessed our family is. 

   I decided to look up ways to celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels (I know, a day late) and found a cute web site geared toward families with kids that had all kinds of craft projects (and I mean ones you can actually do with kids and have the results come out looking like the pictures), cookies (these looked do-able too) and activities you could do with your children to celebrate. I thought this was pretty neat. We could read books, do crafts, bake or sing....well okay, maybe not sing. My daughter discourages my singing. I think we will celebrate today (better late than never) by baking cookies. Perhaps our guardian angels would like that. They sure could use a break. I imagine that they celebrate too.

   I think ours might be out having a drink or two. 

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