Friday, October 10, 2014

The Dishwasher! Oh how I love thee....

   I love my dishwasher. It is such a great invention! Dishes go in and magically come out clean - well, most of the time. It uses less water than I do. It takes less of my time and energy, and can work even when I am in bed or not home. And usually there is not a sink full of dirty dishes!

And look how tidy everything looks!
Everyone who knows me knows that I am big on tidy! 

All the untidy is inside, see?
   It is not just the dirty dishes filling in the sink that make me nuts, I can't stand strainers and dishes waiting to be put away. It's like some kind of glaring beacon that shines out every time I enter the kitchen that says "YOU STILL HAVE ONE MORE THING TO DO!"

   When there were seven people living in my house, I gave thanks to God two to three times a day for such a modern marvel in my own home. On holidays and birthdays, I often gave thanks four times a day - that was how often the dishwasher was running! Without this blessing (which was one of those innovative Birthday-Anniversary gifts from my family,) I would have nothing more than raisin like nubs at the end of my hands. As I mentioned before, my dishwasher is far more efficient than I am with water and soap usage. It doesn't get distracted by the phone or the doorbell or shiny objects out the window. Should I mention that it often does a better job than I do?  I dislike scalding hot water that is needed to get scum off plates and silverware, I have to pee every time I turn on the water and my sink only has one basin, making the whole rinse thing a royal pain in the butt!  If I ever win the publishers clearing house and remodel the kitchen, I will have a dual basin sink, if only to admire the maid cleaning the pots that just won't fit in the dishwasher after all the dishes from the meal have been loaded in!

   Personally I would rather have a dishwasher than a stove. Fear not, no one would starve, there are dishwasher recipes out there that practically renders the stove obsolete. Don't believe me, take a look at Dishwasher Recipes. And that is just for starters. There are images, cookbooks and articles galore on the joys of cooking in your dishwasher!

   The only thing standing in the way of ousting the stove out of our kitchen is the fact that the dishwasher is usually full. Just no room in there for food. Sometimes it is full of dirty dishes awaiting the press of a button, and sometimes it is full of clean dishes eagerly looking forward to their much anticipated journey home to the cabinets. Although I cannot stand a strainer full of clean dishes, I am pretty good at ignoring the little green light that tells me "All is clean inside, okay to unload." It is just a little green light, unobtrusive and quiet.

   I have made everything about emptying the dishwasher easy as it can be. The cabinets where the dishes get put away is directly above the dishwasher. The silverware drawer is in easy arms reach of the modern marvel. You hardly have to move at all to unload. Yet there the dishes sit in the quiet darkness of stainless steel, dry and expectant.

    Quite frankly, I would rather clean all the bathrooms in the house three times a week. Mow my grass in a rainstorm. Carry heavy loads of laundry up and down the stairs every day of the week. Reorganize all the closets in my house (okay, most of them). Put a new roof on the house and paint the siding. Anything but empty the dishwasher.

  You might ask  "What is the big deal with unloading a load of dishes and putting them away?" Now that there are only three of us living here, it doesn't even need to be done all that often, maybe one every day or two. The set up is simple, right? Not tired out from having to scrub the scum off all of them, I should have the energy to empty it, right?

   Maybe I like the thought that someone else could perform this task just as well as I can. Anyone can empty the dishwasher. Maybe I am a procrastinator.

 Maybe I just like that little green light. 

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