Sunday, January 11, 2015

Excuses excuses

   It came to my attention that I had neglected my blog. But I have some really good excuses:

  1. Needed a bit of chill time to regroup. Okay, kinda lame, but wanted some down time after the holidays so that I could think further ahead than 4 hours. Am doing much better. Now I can almost think a whole day ahead.
  2. We had to eat. Really, we did. And we were out of groceries. Family cannot live on Christmas cookies alone. I can, family cannot. Then not only did I have to do the grocery shopping, but wouldn't you know it, family expected me to prepare and cook the food!
  3. The house was a wreck! And there were people coming over. In just four hours! Yikes! If you recall I am a "Neat Freak" and my way of showing my love to my guests is to make them feel comfortable in a really really really tidy space. Really tidy space can be hard to clean with all the Christmas stuff still up. Cleaning wears you out. Sorry, Neat Freak just can't bring herself to post photo of the house when it is a wreck. Not happening. You have to use your imagination.
  4. My daughter got a sewing machine for Christmas. We made really neat stuff on her sewing machine. Turns out she is a real wiz. Her second project was the infinity scar! But no respectable parent leaves their kid unattended when using a sewing machine.
  5. My daughter wanted to help cook. After all, she had a new apron. Great help, but again, no respectable parent leaves a kid cooking at the stove unattended. Enough happens when attended. Can I just say we have a big jar of sweet and sour sauce?
  6. It got cold outside. Not just cold, but so FREAKING COLD that the wine coolers froze on the enclosed back porch. And the soda froze in the attached garage.(Thankfully it did not explode) I have one wine cooler in a year and this is what I have to deal with! It had to be defrosted to make adult slushies!
  7. We had a new sewing project to work on. Isn't the reversible bag great? I did help with printing out the pattern and teaching my daughter how to mark out and cut the material. She did the rest. But hey, I had to supervise.
  8. School Closed. For two days. After only two days of being back to school. Cause they ain't got heat in schools these days ya know. Fortunately for me I had a house full of wonderful kids - so I was able to keep from killing my own offspring during those two days.
    When are the kids gonna arrive?
  9. My daughter got sick the day the kids went back to school and I had to go pick her up and bring her home. Sigh. I am not thinking I will post a picture of my sick daughter either. Again, you will have to use your imagination.
  10. I am working on a new writing project. I came across a picture on the internet and was inspired. Okay, maybe obsessed is more like it. It was like being hit by a snowplow in July. I haven't been able to think about much else besides writing my new story. And I have spent most of my time writing. So much so that I let people in my house when it was messy. I made instant meals. I brought my laptop to bed. I dreamed about my characters. I postponed Christmas un-decorating party until today.  I related readings at Mass to how they would affect my main character. As a writer it is exhilarating, distracting, emotionally draining and all consuming. And absolutely wonderful. 
So yes, I have neglected my blog. Even now, I am borrowing time between the minutes to post. But can't say as I am very sorry about it. I personally think my excuses are pretty good. I do live a fulfilling life with a wonderful family, and sometimes life (and writing) get in the way. I will try not to let it happen again, but if the plot thickens, I hope you will understand.

Until next time between the minutes, stay warm.

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