Tuesday, February 3, 2015

   Snowing. Again. Cause we did not have enough snow after the 15 or so inches we received Sunday. I think the weather dude said 5th largest snowfall in Chicago.


   I shoveled for two hours after I got the truck stuck when Kate and I tried to go to church. I had pulled halfway out into the street when I encountered more slush and ice than our truck just could handle. And yes, we have sand in the back. Then in an attempt to free it from the slush before another car came along, I slipped and fell on my backside and slid halfway under the truck. Not to be deterred, I hefted a shovel and dug out the wheels, slipping and sliding the whole time. Having freed the truck, I pulled it back into the garage. We were going nowhere. The street was worse than the drive and I just could not see myself digging the truck out of a ditch. Or the neighbor's yard.
    Then I began shoveling. Not because I wanted to drive anywhere, but if I had an emergency, I wanted to be able to get out of my driveway. And not just out of my driveway, but out of my driveway using my vehicle. I get these ideas sometimes. It had gotten too deep and wet for the snow blower to handle. Not to mention that the snow blower was out of gas. And I would have to go get gas, which was not exactly walking distance, which meant that I would have to use my truck. That same one I couldn't get out of the driveway earlier.

   I think you see the dilemma here.

   So I shoveled. And shoveled. And shoveled. And shoveled. And shoveled. And shoveled. It was like some kind of nightmare where my driveway kept growing and growing and growing. After I shoveled half the drive, I looked back. Mind you, it is not a long driveway, so not much to look back on. But there was already a half inch of snow covering my hard work. My daughter helped a little before going to play in the back yard. This is what she had been waiting for all winter - REAL SNOW! And a lot of it. My husband had gone to visit his mom early that morning. I at least wanted to clear enough of the drive so he could get back in with our other vehicle. Seemed reasonable. To a mad-man. Shovel, shovel, shovel, shovel. Snow plow passes. Very ineffective in clearing the street, but very effectively burying the end of the drive under a pile of wet, heavy slop. Plow guy is careful to avoid eye contact with me. Probably good move on his part.

   Then my darling husband got home and helped me finish shoveling. He may have done so out of love. Or maybe it was safety. I am sure I was grumpier than a wet cat in frozen mud and probably looked like the abominable snowman. I took my soaking wet grumpy self in the house and stripped of coat, boots, snow pants, gloves and scarves and threw it all in the dryer. I think even the boots. 

   My daughter took a nice, long, hot bath. I ran out of cold medicine.

   Fortunately my wonderful husband was able to get the snow blower working and clear the drive, again. I love our snow blower. I have affectionately named it Buzz. I would feed it treats if I did not think it would whack my hand off in its jaws of steel.

   He braved the icy streets to bring me more cold medicine. I began to thaw. And feel better. I even smiled when he made another pass at the drive with Buzz. Just to keep it clear - in case of emergency you know.

   Yesterday the sun came out. Kid was home from school cause of school closing due to blizzard. We got bad news. Husband came home from work. We were glad the drive was nice and clear. Easy to come and go as we needed.

    Then today.

Fresh Layer of snow.

Kid is happy.

I am coming Buzz.

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