Monday, May 18, 2015


   About two weeks ago, my daughter brought home a stick from school that had some roots thoughtfully wrapped in moist paper towel. You may remember the plant.

  You may also remember my dire predictions for this poor plant soul in our household of ruthless plant killers. You may have seen my picture posted in the local post office. But guess what? My daughter has proved to be quite the plant whisperer....

   Oh no. I might be doomed. Well, what can one tree do? I am sure that our seedlings are not faring so well.

Or are they? Yikes. Better check on the garden soil. If the soil is not just right, seedlings are not gonna survive. Yep, just as I thought, massive weeds and hard, unyielding soil.... 
   Wait...what is that? Carrots? Coming back from last year? Are you freaking kidding me? Can they even do that? That is just sooo wrong. Now my daughter will be convinced that we have perfect conditions to plant our garden.
She will use chives as evidence....

And the lettuce that apparently is coming back too....

I argue that the tomato plant did not come back. See, Proof!
   But the argument falls on deaf ears. We just have to garden. Mom, look, the purple flowers grow everywhere in our yard. Even the weather conspires against me, providing perfectly balanced conditions (not too hot, not too cold, and it won't storm despite the weatherman's best predictions) for comfortable tilling and planting. I am just going to have to plant. Hope the school is happy. And going to provide bail money later this summer.

Cause not everything comes up the way the Lily of the Valley do!

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