Monday, May 11, 2015

The grass is greener...or is that spray paint?

   I have been called a lot of things. Some of them cannot be repeated in polite company. But a few are worth repeating. Especially since they often make me roll my eyes....

    Organized. That makes me smile. Very flattering. Promise me you will not be going in the little library any time soon. You will be disillusioned.

   Tech Savvy. Now I am giggling! Really.  I can't even get my apps to update properly. My phone feels it has too little memory but I disagree. Heck, I have have moved all the pictures and videos to cloud storage. I have eliminated unused apps. I have even sacrificed an app or two that I like. Still not enough space. And how do I get the voice mail update message to stop coming up? I neither want the update to have Avatars, nor can I actually update the voice mail on my phone. Frustrated with the constant alert to update my voice mail, I gave in to the update request. The update ran for fifteen minutes before informing me that the update was not compatible with the current operating software on my phone. So I have an eternal message that an update is available. Yeah, that is an alert I never tire of seeing.

   So I was laughing when I was told today what healthy eaters we are in our household.

   Perhaps this impression came from my recent series of Instagram/Facebook posts on cleaning out the fridge. I posted several days that week the items that I had cooked using only the ingredients in fridge. The meals were tasty. But my friends should have noticed something amiss....
Day 1: Baked Chicken

Day 2: Peachy Pork Chops
These dishes all were made with meat. That one ingredient that somehow never makes it into our house. It is not really in our budget. There is often a vegetarian or two at the table.  I am quite comfortable cooking without meat. So there is seldom much meat at the table.

   But we had meat given to us and I don't let good food go to waste. The other thing you might notice, there are only three days of meals pictured here. And we most certainly ate all seven days of the week. What happened to the other meals?
Day 3: Ground Turkey Tacos

Coffee cake?
   Well you might say they did not come out quite as savory as the ones pictured here.... They came out more like the new coffee cake recipe I thought I would try. It tasted "okay" but smelled weird. I followed the directions. There were no unusual ingredients. No idea what went wrong. I can only guess that the recipe was faulty. The replacement coffee cake I made from my favorite recipe was just fine. But, what about the dinners for the balance of that week?

   One night, we had "GASP" fast food. 

   Yet another night, we had home-made fast food - boxed Mac and Cheese. The adults added Rotel to make it more grown upish.

   Better yet was the Hot Dogs with baked beans and chips night. Yes, there was corn on the cob with this meal, but mostly because we wanted to try out a hack we saw on Pintrest to easily cook the corn on the cob and get it out of its sheath without all the strings (it worked!). You can see video here at or you can go on Pintrest and type in microwave cooking hack and see the step by step pictures.

   Now we have discussed only dinner here. I am afraid that lunched fared about the same as dinner. Some fruit, some junk... Hey, I did not chase down the bus so that my kid would have an apple for snack. I packed her a nice bag of barbecue chips with her sandwich and strawberries. Oh, and juice bag. Yep, healthy eaters to a tee. That is us.

To make my friend feel better, I sent her a picture of my balanced lunch.

Fruit smoothie with chips
 What you see is what you get?

   I suppose that depends on what you think you see. Today I see balance. I don't sweat it, it's not like this every day.

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