Friday, July 29, 2016

If you decide to update your kitchen...

   If you decide to update your kitchen,

Make sure you take lots of before pictures!

 And when you take those before pictures, 

Make sure you take very detailed pictures of each and every aspect...
   Because several months into the eight week project, you will want reminders of why you started in the first place. (Not to mention how useful it will be when trying to remember after all that time where stuff is supposed to go!)
Umm, cabinet, dishwasher, cabinet, then stove? Or was it Fridge?

      When you want reminders as you slowly progress, take more pictures of what you encounter, even when it's a mess!

Wait, are 2x4 supposed to do that?
This is heavier than I thought!

Because others will ask you why it is taking soooo long to complete the project. And when they start asking you those questions, you will need the pictures so you can remember why it is taking you soooooo looooong to complete the project.

   Once you have started the update process...

 Remember you will find unexpected things. That need fixing.

   And when you find unexpected things in your project, they will cost, you may be sure, 

Nope...Not the quartz after all.
   Be prepared to make unexpected changes so the budget lines do not blur.

I suppose the laminate looks pretty good, though I really wanted quartz.

  As you make those unexpected changes, don't let yourself get blue.

     Instead take time to enjoy the things you like to see and do. 
   And when you take that time out...

       You will realize that the project is just a project. And you are just you. That unlike TV shows, you have no team of carpenters, no master tiler and no design engineer. Your deadline can be moved, there's no producer for you to fear. There will be no camera's showcasing your home for viewers far and wide, no need to impress, no need to preen. Vinyl floors are pretty and laminate is easy to clean. That what you really wanted was a space that felt fresh and new, to share with friends and family, all who mean so much to you.

   So if you decide to update your kitchen...

Make sure you take lots of pictures!

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