Monday, July 18, 2016

Getting back into the swing of things...

   Been gone awhile from my blog. Seems that life got busier, but time did not stretch to accommodate all the extra stuff that was stuffed into each day. I tried not to beat myself up about it, told myself everyone needs a break now and then, that it would be okay, I would get back in the swing of things.

   Then a little more time passed. And a little more. And a little more. Time did not become any more accommodating. After a while, I began to wonder, where do I pick up the thread? How do I get started again?

   If you have ever felt like you were on a road to nowhere, I can say that I found the bridge when you get there...

   Since it seemed I was crossing a lot of ground with no purpose, and going nowhere very fast, I decided to take a look at pictures that I took during my absence from my blog. I was relieved to find that I was not the only one with a monkey on my back.

   Though I don't tend to chain my gorillas to the roof. Perhaps they have had a gorilla theft problem?

   My writing problem somehow seemed much smaller. And I realized that I was not just frittering away my time, I really was getting into mischief fairly busy. I did have a lot of pictures after all.


   There were at least 300 concerts at the end of the school year! Band, Choir, Musicals, you name it, I think we attended them. Recitals, I forgot recitals!

 And then there were graduations....

And graduation parties...

Then there was that pesky kitchen redecorating that is still on-going...

Nothing like a bit of paint to freshen things up.At least the appliances are back in. 


   We might agree on counter tops in the next year or in the meantime I have a makeshift counter. And appliances, AND running water. In the kitchen. Such a deal! 

Gotta love plywood.

   Then I found some vacation pictures...
Our view

We rented a hopper!

So that is how to use a noodle...
At some point we went to the orthodontist too!

   There seems to be a theme of having stuff on your head.

      After looking at the past days weeks month or two or so, I didn't feel so bad. I may not have been doing much writing, but I was doing a whole lot of living. And in that living there are a number of stories for me to share! Like finding Nemo, when we were supposed to be finding Dory. I felt like I was passing a hurdle and well on my way back to the blogging world.
Perhaps while I am at it, I will find Dory.

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