Sunday, November 6, 2016

Castaphobia- Yikes, and the election is Tuesday!

   There have been a lot fears that have come to light in the current presidential election.

   Some folks are afraid of the major candidates offered by our two biggest political parties. We have both Tumphobia and Clintonphobia. These are followed closely by Republicanphobia and Democraticphobia (not to be confused with Demophobia, which is the fear of crowds, regardless of their political affiliation).

   I personally am afraid of turning on the TV. Programming seems to mostly consist of mudslinging ads from one candidate or another. Thank heavens for Netflix! As the impending election day looms ever nearer, seems like all we want to do is escape the constant bombardment of negativity and threats of doom and gloom that peer around the corner no matter what choice we might make.

Let's hear it for some distracting pictures of nature.

Is it me, or did the first picture look a lot like that people-eating plant from Little Shop of Horrors?

    I am beginning to think that each of the candidates being offered has this plant like potential to devour our nation. News on my feed shows churches being burned with threatening candidate slogans written on them to scare people from voting. Early polling places are not so numerous and have garnered some long lines - and who wants to stand in line with individuals who's political affiliation may not align with yours? Like being trapped in a pod you cannot escape.

   Okay, so maybe the pictures were not all that distracting.

   I think I am just as anxious as many of my fellow Americans.

   Perhaps what I need is some silly social media. Well, after a quick look, perhaps not. Amidst the cuddly cat videos and pictures from recent vacations, there are the articles and arguments, supporting and trashing both major and minor political candidates alike.

I have read and read already. I think I am about as informed as I am going to get.

   I am pretty sure I am coming down with Politicophobia.

   Currently I am picking out my outfit for Tuesday. Pretty sure it will include plate armor and helm. Do they allow swords at polling places? I feel that I will need one. Maybe just a battle-axe. 

This is scarier than Halloween.


  1. I just read on the twittering vine that there are no laws in regard to having guns at polling locations! If it's true it wories me.

    1. I wouldn't worry too much, the polling places around us are places where guns are prohibited, like schools,churches and government buildings.
