Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Lady doth Protest

   For the last week there has been nothing but name calling, finger pointing and unrest. A person can't turn on the TV, read the paper or even scroll their favorite social media without being bombarded by the anger and division that threatens to tear the social fabric of our country. The upset and frustration are draining.

Almost makes me wish for the good ole days of political ads with negative campaigns of last week.

    Worse than being emotionally and physically drained is the sense of helplessness that threatens to overwhelm. I suppose I could protest, but I am not entirely sure what I should protest. The candidate who won? That was the point of voting in the election process. The candidate who lost?  I thought that was settled by the election. The election process governed by pretty much the same rules that have been in place since the birth of our country? Seems a little late for that. Guess I am not much of a protester, unless you count the actual vote that I cast last week.

I protest the divisions. I protest the anger and violence. I am protesting the loud and angry protests.

Everyone seems to have a paddle these days.

   We all know what happens when everyone has a paddle and strives to row their own way. At least I do, having spent some quality time with kids on a lake. We went in circles. Although they each had their own ideas on how to reach the shore, it wasn't until they started to work together that we made any real progress. In the end we reached our destination and enjoyed a meal together.

   No one had to compromise their personal beliefs or moral values. They simply had to accept one
another and work together. Was that so hard? Well, I have to admit, I was a bit worried that we would not be having dinner. That quite possibly a heated battle would break out with all of the children wielding paddles and everyone would wind up in the lake, cold and wet and hungry and rather bruised. At one point I thought about throwing them out of the boat.

So what did I do?

   Reminded them that they were brothers and sisters (or at the very least, cousins). Reminded them to love one another. Reminded them that I loved them, unconditionally, even if I didn't agree with them.

So what do I do now?

   I am going love. No matter what race or religion, regardless of gender, age, sexual preference, economic status, ideology or political affiliation. I am going to remind people that they are all brothers and sisters and should love one another, even if they don't agree. It won't be easy, but I will resist the urge to push others out of the boat for smoother sailing.

   I haven't given up my moral beliefs or changed how I feel about the issues that swirl around us in our country today. I don't agree with all my friends and family. But I protest the division and instead seek the healing that can only come of love. I vow to love despite our differences. Because in the end, I pray that we all reach the shore.

John 13:34 - I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have love you, so you must love one another. (Good News Translation)


  1. Wow, how true, good reminder. Thank you Duck!

  2. I'll join you in loving others..Jesus was so smart when he walked among us and his Words are still the smartest advice in 2016! Thank you for reminding me too!

  3. I'll join you in loving others..Jesus was so smart when he walked among us and his Words are still the smartest advice in 2016! Thank you for reminding me too!
