Friday, June 2, 2017

Mom's joining the band!

 Last weekend was the Memorial Day. In our town it means a parade with silent fire trucks, ambulances and squad cars. It means veterans, troops of girl scouts and boy scouts and the Knights of Columbus all to honor our country's fallen soldiers. It also means MARCHING BANDS!

   It was beautiful weather, just right for walking in a parade. After taking pictures of the kids, I was totally pumped!
And I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be awesome if I joined the band too!"

   I figured I could start at the back in the flute section, then work my way up to the clarinets and on to the percussion before finally finishing with the horns. I wouldn't go as far as the banner carriers, because I might trip and I sure didn't want to create a chain reaction for the rest of the players.

When I voiced my enthusiasm, one of the flute players thought it was a pretty cool idea.

He even offered me his flute!

   My daughter, however, vetoed the idea. She said, "No mom, you would definitely trip the band up by the time you got to the percussion."

   I think she is referring to my awkward gait. I suppose she has a point. But then I had inspiration. How about if I were pushed? There were some pretty dedicated band members...

When I relayed my ability to overcome my walking obstacle I was met with more opposition.

 "Mom, you can't read music and you can barely play the radio."

Details. Surely we could work that out.

I can be a pretty determined person.

   Well, I did get to be in the parade when all was said and done. Granted, I had chaperone status, but hey, I could march! As I told my daughter, if my friends and family can go to war and die for me, then surely the least I could do is march across town in a parade to honor them.
Even if only behind the band.

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