Friday, January 5, 2018

Rules for Christmas Newsletters

  Dear friends and family,

   Thank you so much for your Christmas cards and letters. They were wonderful! I loved reading about your families, trips, and adventures. It was nice to be able to catch up on the current events that have slipped through the cracks of our busy lives. It brought a warm spot to my heart.

And a bit of an ache to my eye.

   Everyone was so busy this year! So many new jobs, promotions, additions to the family, and trips. Good heavens, is there anyplace in the universe your families haven't been?

Ok, I'll admit it, I am a little jealous.
Well, maybe a lot jealous.

You did so much! 

I couldn't even seem to get Christmas cards out this year.

   In my defense, I did spend a great deal of time searching for the magnifying glass. Because lets be real, I didn't want to miss reading your letters and you sure put a lot into them.

In tiny


                                            tiny print.

It was like trying to read a prescription bottle.

This is not email folks, I couldn't adjust the settings and make the font bigger!

   I am afraid I may have missed some of what you wrote, so thank you for pictures, they were quite helpful! However, as of next year, there will be Christmas Letter guidelines...
  • All letters must be printed in 12pt, Times New Roman, double spaced, using black ink on plain white paper.
  • All letters must have a large print edition available upon request.
  • Extensive itineraries must be bullet point.
  • All photos must be in color, unless artistic in nature.
  • All people in photos must be identified.
Multiple pages are welcome! Heck, Multiple pages would be great.

   As for my Christmas letter this year... well I missed sending cards out last year, and the year before that. You don't really want a letter from me, do you?

All content is meant to be humorous in nature and not intended to offend anyone who writes Christmas/Holiday Letters. Above content is not  meant to be a slam on any one individual or individuals who may or may not have sent us a Christmas letter this year. This post may or may not indicate actual letters received, but in no way, shape or form wishes to discourage the writers from sending future letters...provided that they meet new standardized guidelines. ;)


  1. We're all chipping in to get you glasses,lol:l

  2. Or do like we do..and have someone hold it up across the room!
