Thursday, May 31, 2018

Driving lessons

So the other day I handed my daughter the keys and asked her to pull the car into the garage.

   She grinned, then took the keys and hurried off to do my bidding, the way every good kid should obey their parents. I grinned too, wondering how long before she came back and asked me some questions. To my surprise, I heard the car start, then saw the vehicle move into the garage.

Not bad for a first try.

Did I mention she is fourteen and about to graduate eighth grade?

   When she came back, she had the oddest look on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You should have told me when you took your foot off the brake the car moves."

Oh yeah, it does, doesn't it.

   I asked her if the car was now in the kitchen (we have an attached garage our kitchen is just behind the garage). She said it wasn't, nor was the tool box standing against the wall directly in front of the car. But we probably need to adjust the parking stop we have on the floor. It's kinda far forward and the car touches the tool box before it stops.

   She also informed me, you have to step on the brake to start the car. Same goes if you want to put the car in drive. Did I know that? It was a bit of a surprise to her. But to her credit, she figured it out. See, I knew I had a smart kid.

   My husband is still giving me "that look."

   Hey, gotta start somewhere, right? I mean, it's not like I asked her to go an pick up a gallon of milk or anything. What's he going to do when she needs to merge onto the expressway?

   Uh-oh, I think he just passed out.

   Guess I had better get ready for the graduation tonight! High school adventures here we come!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Smelling Good!

    After coming home from the gym the other day, my husband and I were unpacking our gym bags, when I noticed my husband making faces... I asked him what was the deal and he told me he smelled like baby powder.
   I got close to check (he took a shower so I was safe) and sure enough, he smelled like baby powder. It was his deodorant, which was powder fresh scent. I don't know how much it was fresh, but it sure smelled like a new baby's room.

Which led to an interesting discussion.

   Why powder fresh? Or spring fresh for that matter. Who came up with rain storm anyway? I mean if you want to smell good when you perspire, why not something inspiring?

   Like chocolate chip cookie dough or birthday cake? Maybe fresh baked bread...

Better yet, COFFEE scented deodorant!

Now there is a scent I can get into!

Of course, I would never leave my husband alone again. Ever.

When we got to thinking about it, we began to see the possibilities.

   There could be seasonal deodorants, like pumpkin spice in the fall and cinnamon and cranberry around the holidays. In the spring we could have cherry cobbler and vanilla frosting.

   Maybe for summer we could market a whole line of summer scents, like watermelon and barbecue! For those of us who like the outdoors, we could have bacon cooking over a campfire with a companion lotion - s'mores!

   My husband suggested an entire dessert line which would include cherry pie and strawberry cup cakes. Add to that a girl scout grouping which would include thin mints and tag-a-longs.... Now we're talking!

Hey, why not?

If it's okay to smell like a spring breeze, why not a french vanilla cappuccino?

We are talking the ultimate in aroma therapy here!