Friday, September 21, 2018

Harvest Time

   It's harvest time! We are enjoying this year's bounty of garden fresh tomatoes!

   Just not from my garden. All the beautiful produce you see above is from someone else's garden. (No, I didn't sneak in other people's yards in the middle of the night; they were given to me!) Some of the tomatoes pictured here are even what we call accidental tomatoes... ones that grew from plants that sprouted from seeds left on the ground from last year's fallen produce.

   Yeah, that doesn't happen here. Not at my house.

   I am grateful my friend and neighbors share their harvest with me, because I love fresh fruit and vegetables, but quite frankly, I can't grow plastic flowers. So thank you to all of you who stop by and leave bags of tomatoes and other goodies on my front porch!

   It's not that I didn't have garden ambitions.

  Ambition I had. Motivation, time, and patience I lacked, as well as the ability to grow things. Pretty sure my harvest will be accomplished with a weed wacker!

  I did weed the space in the front of the house next to the porch where the flowers usually go... but it occurred to me something was missing.

Namely flowers.

   So I decided to plant flowers! It was a little late in the season to plant flowers... but hey, better late than never, right? There was just one little problem, no one really sells flowers to plant in the late summer. Well, some stores do, but they weren't really what I was looking for. I wanted colorful, easy to maintain, minimal work flowers. Ones that required no sun, no weeding, and no watering. After some searching, I found the perfect variety. 
Okay, so they were plastic flowers. I get points for creativity, right?

   Unfortunately, there is one problem with planting plastic flowers....

When it rains, they don't perk up... they fall over!

   Perhaps if I plant more of them they will hold one another up. Or maybe I just need a different variety? I'll have to give this more consideration.

But in the meantime, I am enjoying regrouping them each time it rains.

Pretty sure the neighbors think I'm nuts.
Wait til they see the winter variety!

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