Friday, November 30, 2018

Friends, Family, Food, Flamingos... what Thanksgiving is all about!

   It turned out to be quiet a busy Thanksgiving this year. We had friends come to stay with us during the week, making for a household bustling with love. We savored the good food on Thanksgiving Day, happy to spend the time with family. We even went to the store on Black Friday to shop - something we never do....

We were running out of clean clothes.
At least there were no long lines.

As for the Flamingos? The flock were the highlight of the week!

   They showed up one night after dark. Hearing music and singing, we popped our head out the door to see what was going on only to find a flock of pink flamingos had roosted in our yard. It was delightful and we all had a good laugh. We were glad they wore scarves, it was pretty chilly outside.

At first, they were fun to play with and feed. But then they stayed. It turns out a flock of flamingos can be quite a bit of work. For one, they need to be fed! So the kids and I fed the flamingos.  And fed them. And fed them. Day one they ordered lobster bisque and shrimp scampi. Day two, twenty bushels of shrimp arrived via Amazon. Day three, more shrimp from Amazon. Day four.... you guessed it, another twenty bushels of shrimp.

I had no idea flamingos were so good at online ordering. Or that they could eat so much shrimp!

   Making the situation even more interesting was these were BAND flamingos. Which means they are partial to marching drills during the day and loud music at night. One evening after eight renditions of 99 Bushels of Shrimp on the Lawn, the police told us we would have to find a way to keep them quiet.

   I began to search for the paperwork on the flock to see about their removal. Something was going to have to be done about them. Before I could make the call, however, they were singing again.

   This time they were singing Let it Snow. Over and over and over and over.... 

Unfortunately they got their wish and it snowed, and snowed and snowed.. The flock was buried and now required a rescue from the freezing snow in addition to another forty bushels of shrimp. Muffled singing of White Christmas could now be heard emanating from the snow drifts.

I'd about had it with our fine feathered friends and called in a removal crew. Fortunately the rates offered by the Westmont High School Band were quite reasonable. The professionals promptly came and collected the wayward band of musical and hungry fowl assembled on our porch.

As an added bonus, I got to suggest a new roosting spot for the displaced flock!

Several days  later we received a delivery from Amazon. Several bushels of shrimp? How could that be? And who the heck was singing Suzy Snowflake?

We had an escapee! 

  Now where did I put the band number?

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