Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Writing Buddy

    I'd like you to meet my writing buddy...

This is Charlie Swift. Named so because he so often isn't... too swift, that is. He has been know to fall of his perch and get into mischief from which he needs to be rescued.

Aside from being a fun companion, playmate, and supreme pest, he is also an editor of sorts. Spending countless hours helping me on my computer means that he has mastered the delete button and figured out how the touch screen works. There is nothing quite like coming back with a fresh cup of coffee to find fifty six windows open, two deleted paragraphs from the page you were originally working on and a new post on Instagram.

I guess you could say he works pretty swiftly...

(Yes, I did just do that!)

To make matters interesting today, I cannot find the screen cleaner cloth. He likes to wrestle with it and consequently it disappears from time to time. He did leave me a piece of lettuce on my keyboard, but I'm not sure that it will make a very good substitute, so if you find a typo in the post, assume that I just couldn't see around the finger/beak prints to correct it.

Right now, he's playing with his actual toys, as opposed to my computer or my phone or his own phone. Yes, he has his own phone, and his own Instagram account (charlie___swift). Don't judge, I gave him my old phone because sometimes I like to use my phone without the feathery interface. It only has internet connection, so I guess it's more like a birdy tablet. I have it restricted and locked down so I don't receive any unexpected packages or make any unplanned phone calls...

I have been surprised in the past.

Some writers have cats, others dogs, but for me, it is a feathery friend who likes to take baths in the kitchen sink and follow other birds on Instagram.

Now if I could just train him to make coffee...

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