Thursday, January 30, 2014

How I got my name

      A long time ago, in a suburb of Chicago far, far, far away to the south of where I currently live (but three miles before the end of the world), I used to go by the moniker "Duckiie." Everyone who knew me, knew me as Duckiie. Many people did not even know I had another name and were baffled if anyone called me something else, like Tina. They had no idea who you were talking to. Neither did I.
   Then, I entered the corporate world and slowly my old identity began to slip away. I exchanged my name for something a little more conformist - like George. For a long time, that name was nearly forgotten; except by my near and dear friends who hale from that long ago place and that long ago time and would call me at work and ask for the Duck, confusing my bosses and co-workers to no end
   More recently, however, I have resorted to using old name from my old alter ego identity.  Specifically in my blog.

   Inevitably people began say things like - isn't that cute.

NO, it isn't. 

   My parents named me after the vicious saber-tooth duck that roamed the earth terrorizing animals large and small during the ice age (Past Ice Age, not current Polar Vortex Ice Age). Nothing cute about that.

   Then folks began asking me how I got my name. There are a number of theories that abound about this subject.

  • I was given that name at birth. (See above notes on the non-cuteness of this name) Schools and other institutions had a hard time spelling it and changed it to make their record keeping easier.
  • My GrandAl used to call me that. (GrandAl is a whole other story and I am not answering those questions at this time)
  • My cousin and I were dubbed with the names Frog and Duck after falling into a swampy pond while out playing. I got the better end of the deal.
  • I am an alien from another world and consider this name normal and dignified.
  • An alter-ego took over my body and decided that this name was taller and more fitting to my Ego stature.
  • I picked the name out of a box of Froot Loops. Which is the best breakfast food ever. 
   Whatever explanation above that you like, you are free to believe. No extra charge. 

And please, no cute comments. I would hate to have to kill you. 

I am running out of moments between the minutes and have to make an appearance in the normal time stream to get my daughter off the bus.  
Her name is George.

1 comment:

  1. Picture is intentional. Just to give you an idea how non-cute the saber toothed animals were. There are no current photos portraying saber-toothed ducks that do not show just how not cute it was.
