Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Tree is STILL up

   Our Christmas tree still graces our living room. It is only Jan. 16....
   Hey, Christmas did not officially end until last Sunday, so it was supposed to still be up, right? Besides, I have decided that it would be simpler this year to buy hearts and attach ribbons to them and hang them on the tree for Valentine's Day. We could move to four leaf clovers in March, then on to cute Easter Eggs in April. Heck, they already make "Easter Trees" so I can get a whole set of ornaments! So much less stressful than packing up the Christmas stuff, scouring the house to make sure you have missed nothing, toting all the boxes/branches/gear up to the attic and tucking it away. Then going down to sit in your favorite chair to compliment yourself on a job well done and find a Christmas decoration staring right back at you! Mocking you. Then a week later, another magically appears in one of the bedrooms. And another - until you don't have the energy to drag out one of those boxes and repack with yet another find. Come November, you have just about completed the task and guess what? Christmas season is upon you!
   It worked once, a long time ago when we were first married and never home. Our tree stayed up in the apartment until sometime mid April, when it was launched out the patio door. It wasn't exactly and argument that launched it, but rather a difference in opinion on who was going to take it down. We have since gotten past such petty differences. Now it is always my problem to take down the tree and pack up the decorations. I still have not figured out how this all worked out, but someday I may yet understand life, the universe and everything.
   Leaving Christmas Tree and decorations is not an option now. Our living room is too small (the greatest room in our house it the kitchen, and part of that is cause the food is there). We remove valuable seating to make way for the tree. Seating that we are starting to miss and would like back. So we don't all have to share the couch. And our tree is in the front window, which obscures my view of the outside and prevents me from being nosy and wondering what the heck my neighbor is doing. I haven't seen him in weeks, but assume he is alive and well as his car regularly comes and goes. I can see his car when I leave my own driveway. Moreover, dusting with all the Christmas stuff is next to impossible. At least that is my excuse. But far worse is the fact that the tree blocks the way to the room humidifier in the living room, making it nearly impossible to refill the tanks and turning our house into static war zone. Picking up an afghan is like grabbing a lightening bolt. Touching the bird cage could send you through the ceiling. When passing the Christmas tree, tendrils of tinsel reach out to zap the unwary. Casual contact is strictly forbidden on grounds of personal safety.
   So the tree has to come down. No matter how pretty it still looks. You can't sit on it (even the bird avoids it), it is starting to collect dust and it is becoming dangerous. Good thing we have always had an artificial tree. It would be even sadder if I had empty branches adorned with Christmas treasures and a mound of poky needles beneath.
   Rubbermaid totes in the dining room are pulling me back into time. Till next time between the minutes.
Me, working on a laptop in kitchen.

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