Monday, January 6, 2014

   I thought perhaps when I woke up this morning and the temp was -14, that I had moved to Anchorage. Then I checked again, and realized it was warmer in Alaska. About 45 degrees warmer. I think I should consider migrating. Unable to snuggle down in the blankets again (you have to turn off the alarm clock if you want it to stop making noise), I rolled out of bed and into pajama pants and slippers and went down to see if my darling daughter was up. Usually on school days, I have to prod her out of bed, but since school was called off today, I found her wide awake and admiring the frost on her window. Go figure.

   So why are we getting up early if there is no school? I told my friend Jamie I would watch her two girls so she could go to work. Now if her kids misbehaved all the time and were nasty, I could be sleeping in right now. But Nooo, they have to be nice, well behaved kids.  The kind you like to have at your house for a long play date. So we are up.
   I ventured downstairs to check on the rest of the house I had bundled up the night before. Bird all warm and toasty with her heating pad and two blankets. Water still dripping in the utility room sink (check) and the kitchen sink turned on without hesitation! (I had taken the precaution of opening the cabinet doors in the kitchen and putting a space heater in front of the sink.)  And the thermostat read 73. Yay for me, I finally figured out how to program the thermostat to the temperature I want!
  Now time to make the muffins. Yep, I was making blueberry muffins for kid and her friends, due to arrive shortly. Pulled out the blender and read the directions on the box. What? You weren't expecting Betty Crocker were you? I am not a morning person, and certainly not to be confused with Martha Stewart. You won't see me opening a Bed and Breakfast anytime soon. Now Bed and Lunch you might be talking. Bed and Supper is more like it. Go to Bed and Have Dessert is more my style! Twenty minutes later, house smelled wonderful and we had muffins. Very tasty muffins, thank you very much. There are wonderful things that can be done with a box and a blender.
   Kate had already set the table and was on friend watch at the picture window. I put on my snow pants, my coat, ear muffs, boots and gloves and wrapped a blueberry muffin in a dish towel. When the mini-van arrived, I shuffled out to the car to deliver the "morning muffin" to my poor friend who had to go into work, then scurried back in with the kids before I got too cold. Too late, I had a definite chill. The kids, smelling fresh baked muffins, got out of their snow pants and into the kitchen before I did. But I had the better of the deal as I had a hot cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino waiting for me and they didn't.  So there.  I sometimes enjoy the perks of being an a work at home parent, even if there is no salary.
   Looks like I am sliding back into the time stream where mountains of laundry lurk and kids only need you when you are in the bathroom. See ya again when I get time between the minutes.


  1. Very good. How do you like the Ninja? I have one packed away. I will get it out one day and use it. Do more blogs. Enjoyed it

  2. Awesome Blogg...keep it up...I have your blogg on my favorites now : )

  3. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner Linda - I love my Nija! It was a gift from a friend of mine when my old blender died. She had just gotten a new one and remembered me lamenting the loss of my old one. This one is way cooler than any I ever had!
