Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Party at my house!

   Today is one of the first beautiful days of spring, a chance to get out and do some yard work to make the outside of our home a garden oasis for our family to relax in and enjoy - or some other happy crap spewed out by the Home and Garden Network. The weather man predicted temperatures near 80, but a possible isolated shower here and there in the morning. I woke up a bit tired. I still had several loads of laundry lurking in the utility room and the bathrooms looked a lacrosse team had been staying here awhile. I was kinda hoping for rain. Guess what? It didn't rain.

   Then I could have gotten out of mowing the lawn. Don't get me wrong, I usually like mowing the lawn. Actually, if I have my choice between yard chores, I generally pick mowing the yard. It sure beats weeding and trimming. Especially since we do not currently have a trimmer. But we do have a mower AANNDDD it has a self propelling drive train. Actually it is more of a motorized gadget that allows the 7.0  horsepower engine to drag me across the yard while swearing and trying to get my glove unstuck from the bar that you hold down to the push handle to keep the motor running.

   Oh sure, it looks like the paragon of motorized lawn equipment, but only if you don't look too closely and see that it needs a new little rubber thingy part for priming the gas into the engine. I still haven't ordered the part. And you may notice that you cannot see the handle with the duct tape on the corners. These bits make it somewhat difficult to start the engine. Once you get it going though, those big back wheels do help a lot on the part of our yard that was featured in the Sound of Music. And the drag drive train works really well. As long as you don't want to turn it off, which requires some artful maneuvering with the power bar to disengage the drive without turning off the mower and creating a ten minute episode of pulling on the starter chain and swearing while trying to restart the darn thing.

   No rain in sight, I donned my yard working clothes; my favorite jeans with a large hole in the knee, my hiking shoes and a pair of gloves. After ten minutes of swearing, pushing on the cracked rubber thingy, and yanking on a string, I got the mower started, only to discover that I did not have the presence of mind to open the gate so that I could do the front yard first.  Creativity and ingenuity kicked in and I manged to get the gate (which sticks) open, keep the lawn mower running (note to self - how about taking that velcro strap out with you next time? You could put it on the mower to clamp the power handle down.) and not kill myself in the process.

   From there I just had to allow the machine to to drag me about the yard and make the grass look nice and neat. And I do mean drag. My drop foot was not feeling especially cooperative and my gait was a bit out of sync. About an hour later (including two ten minute sessions of swearing and restarting the mower) the yard was nicely trimmed. My ankle hurt, my shoulders were sore from pulling on the starter, I was thirsty and hungry and hot and I had to pee.

   So I sat on the porch and had myself a great big pity party. I was mad that I had a drop foot issue and have to wear orthopedic inserts in my shoes to keep from rolling over on my right ankle. And today my right ankle hurt anyway. My gait was really crappy today and it made mowing the yard just a lot of work. I was furious that the last orthopedic doctor who thought that "new fangled" device I wear didn't do much and suggested that I get special orthopedic shoes and a metal brace that hooked to the special shoes that were ridiculously priced and would limit me to one pair of shoes. (HELLO, I AM A WOMAN. ONE PAIR OF SHOES WOULD NOT CUT IT. AND WHAT WOULD I  WEAR TO MOW THE LAWN IN IF I ONLY HAD ONE PAIR OF SHOES?) I was angry at the medical doctors in general for not coming up with a better solution than exercise more to give your ankles more strength.Yeah, cause that was what I wanted to do after mowing the Swiss Alps. I was grumpy because I was hot and it was not summer yet. Bet them stupid doctors can recommend a drug for that. I don't like taking the medication I take now. I would prefer not to take any medication. I was feeling pretty nasty because I was thirsty and had to take my shoes off my tired feet to go in the house to get a nice cool drink of water. And I was upset that I was sooo thirsty, but would definitely have to detour to the bathroom first to pee or else, and would be stuck being thirsty in the time it took me to remove my shoes, climb the stairs and go to the bathroom. I contemplated wearing my grassy muddy shoes in the house to the bathroom, but that would mean that I would have to turn around and clean the floor all over again cause there is no vacuum fairy!

   I removed my shoes and socks, stumbled into the house with a gait that was worse than a drunk's (go figure, my balance has to be off today too) and hauled my sad butt up the stairs because we don't have a bathroom on the main level of our house. Stupid house too. Then I had to go downstairs to get nice cool drink. And lunch while I was at it.

   I didn't really have to mow the lawn myself. So why did I undertake this project today? And without a a bottle of water and a velcro strap to hold the power handle to the push handle. Because I still can. I wear a "new fangled" device on my leg that sends electronic signals to my right ankle to alert it to lift at the proper times so that my foot doesn't drag and cause me to trip and land in the gutter. It works really well and I have the option of wearing more than one pair of shoes. Like my favorite old hiking shoes that I have had forever. Granted, my shoe selection is a bit limited, but I have more than one pair.  I can still walk and push a mower, well okay, activate a drive chain and be dragged about the yard by the mower. I like the sense of completing a task that allows me to spend time outside and still be visibly productive. And I am probably just a bit nuts.

   I am grateful I can walk and take care of our house, however much grumbling it may sometimes produce. I am thankful that I can rely on others to help if I reach out to them, but pleased that in many cases, I do not yet have to do that. I am really glad that I got the yard mowed before it rained again and added another 6 inches to our "easy" chores. I am happy that I can make it to the bathroom to pee due to the marvels of modern medicine. I am especially thankful that someone invented the Walk Aid so that I can walk more than two blocks without stumbling, though I am still sometimes mistaken for a drunk. I say a prayer every day thanking God that I have life so good and can be active. Having a full belly and an ibuprofen helps remind me of how good things really are and what a wonderful life I have.

   At least I can finish this party in a lawn chair, with a hot cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino and admire the Tulips that have burst into bloom. Now there is a plant that requires little work but produces large amounts of satisfaction.


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