Thursday, November 20, 2014

I got it all together and other myths!

   Yesterday I had someone tell me I sure had it all together.

   I turned around. They were talking about me, right? Oh, my, if they only knew.....

   I am the same someone who ordered the wrong tires for the car. I wanted all weather tires with good winter ratings, and that is what I thought I picked. I read the description carefully. The place never called me for an appointment, so I called them. Thank heavens, cause that is when I learned that the tires I ordered were WINTER ONLY tires. Seriously? Who the heck orders tires for one season? I didn't even know such a monster existed! Thankfully they had not processed my order and received the tires and I was able to cancel the order and get the whole thing straightened out.

   Last week was the week I nearly killed my nephew and left his lifeless body under the purse selection in the store. We were having some difficulty with sizes and trying on pants. This after making the poor decision to have dinner at McD's during dinner hour on a Friday. Only took 15 minutes of my muttering to get around the building and get a parking space.  So much for planning and patience.

   I did figure out what to make for lunch when my friends came over last Saturday. I decided early Saturday morning we were going to have Black Forest Sausage. I wanted to have something nice as we had not seen each other in person for some time. Thank heavens for a fabulous cookbook and a crock pot as I had also made a commitment to help set up the saint fair at church that morning. Nothing like last minute.

   Monday I brought my daughter home from school not feeling too well. NOTHING got done that day. Heck, I could not even remember if I was supposed to do stuff....

   Tuesday I remembered that I forgot to send my daughter to school with a note that I was picking her up from band practice. I remembered the note when I pulled in the school drive - this after a mad dash to the school at the last minute because I forgot that I was supposed to pick her up. Thankfully the teacher has more savvy than I do. She walked the kids out and I was able to retrieve my daughter so that we could make her violin lesson on time. From school we drove to violin lesson, and when we arrived, I realized that I forgot to put the music books in the car. I told my daughter that morning not to worry, as I would grab them when I came to pick her up. So I dropped her off at lesson and drove home to get them. We had arrived early for lesson, so I was not too late when I arrived back with the books. My daughter and her teacher started lesson without me and did not wind up needing the books after all, so it really worked out okay. Then we drove home to have dinner with my nephews and I had to make biscuits before we could eat because dinner was supposed to be chicken and dumplings - except that I forgot to add the dumplings. 

   Wednesday I took the car in to get the new tires put on  (I firmly believe this is the only reason it did not snow in our area). I dropped off some books off at the library and picked up some groceries. The coat with the broken zipper is still in the back seat as I did not remember to stop at the tailor to see if I could get a new one put on. Wednesday evening I taught religious education class and we attended a Thanksgiving Mass. Unfortunately many of my students had less than stellar behavior. When we returned to class I re-enacted the scene of Jesus in the temple throwing out the money changers. Okay, I did not tables to overturn, but when the dismissal bell rang, the students remained riveted to their seats until we had finished our "discussion." I am guessing that this another patience fail on my part. 

   Today my schedule is pretty clear and I managed to arrive at bible study on time. I was dressed and showered and everything. Not that I remembered to bring the money to pay for the workbook. Now back at home I am doing some of the stuff that I forgot to do on Monday (remember when I brought my daughter home not feeling well?) and wouldn't you know it - that darned coat with the broken zipper is still in the back seat. 

   Tomorrow is Friday, right? That is when I have on my schedule that my daughter has a band lesson at school, oh wait, the schedule changed, that is today. I remember seeing her take her instrument out the door when we went to catch the bus.... so who has their act together?

   And did I invite my folks for dinner tonight? I think that means I am supposed to figure out what I am making for dinner. Hmmmmm. I believe I have a dinner meeting tonight too.



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