Friday, April 29, 2016

A typical day

   Someone asked me what my typical day was like. So I decided to track my day in photos...

Today I started my day making my daughter breakfast.

        After she left for school, I relaxed with a cup of coffee in my living room and enjoyed the view out my front window. Here you can see the spring session of camper dismantling in the front yard. 

Finishing my coffee, I ran out to do some errands.

Encountered some geese on the way to the store. I was glad they used the crosswalk. made them easier to spot.

   My first stop was the hardware store. I headed to the paint department to check out primer for a project I am working on. I had no idea that primer was available in a variety of flavors. However, the price was more was more than I wanted to pay for 13.5 oz of primer, so I decided to search the store for other supplies on my list.

   Unfortunately I was unable to cross the crime scene tape to pick up the rest of the supplies. Since CSI had not removed the dead shopping cart yet, I headed back out again.

From the hardware store I went grocery shopping.
Two stores. It was quite a list.

 Then I went home...

 and learned that we were out of Kleenex.


   But I knew I had some chores to do before I could go back to the store. I asked Chirp to water the plants for me while I cleaned windows in order to save time. She can be helpful that way. 

Thankfully someone labeled the windows for me, in case I got confused when cleaning.

Once I finished the windows, I headed back out to the store to pick up Kleenex.

   I no sooner finished shopping for Kleenex when my phone alarm went off, reminding me that I needed to take my daughter dinner. She was staying late for an after school activity at the Jr. High. So I rushed home and packed her dinner in the only bag I could find...

Looks like my work is done here.


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