Friday, December 2, 2016

What is it about a cup of coffee?

 There is something magical about a cup of coffee.

   Perhaps it is the caffeine. That extra boost of energy that gets a person going. The wake up zing that puts a pep in one's step. The much needed jolt after a sleepless night. The mid afternoon pick-me-up that lets a body keep going.

 Or maybe it is the fact that this cup marks a much needed respite from a busy day. A relief from the grind and chance to momentarily put on the brakes and rewind. A chance to step away from the tedium of chores and errands for a bit of respite.

   It might be the reset button in a hectic day that is part of a hectic week which is the norm of a hectic life. A legitimate and justifiable break, marked by a journey that requires leaving the desk/tasks/errands and making a trip to a location of java rejuvenation. Just the act of getting a cup of coffee can be a physical break from whatever activity a person is doing to retrieve the delightful cup.

   Possibly it is magical because it becomes a chance for friends to meet up and talk. To gather and
exchange news and life stories. An excuse to sit down and share some time together, even if only for a moment. Perhaps a reminder that it is not just at holidays, weddings and funerals that we should get together and share our lives with one another.

   It could be because most coffee is warm and helps warm the insides when things are cold outside. With this warmth comes a cosmic sense of well being. Holding a warm mug and breathing in the warm aroma can force the eyes to squeeze shut and conjure up images of comfort and contentment resulting in brief daydreams. (Do not practice this in the car while driving!)

   For all we know, it could be the liquid that helps launch you into an adventure that occurs in another time and place; a beverage that tells your body it is time to shift gears and reside elsewhere for a time.

   Conceivably it is none of these things in the physical reality, but what the coffee represents, that is magical. Perhaps you don't actually need it to wake up (lucky you) or to keep going during a busy day (must be nice). Maybe there is no actual break with the coffee that is associated with the cup, but just the idea of a break that is so wonderful.  Perchance today's cup only brings a reminder of the last time you sat down with a friend and chatted. And it is possible (albeit unlikely) that you prefer it cold and there is no magical warmth that fills your insides.

   Whatever the reason, it is always depressing to find that you have come to that last sip of delightful goodness, no matter how warm or cold it might be.

   Nothing is sadder than an empty cup!

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