Friday, February 24, 2017

Another warm day in Chicago - in February

   I'm not complaining.

   I am wearing a tee-shirt and capris and walking around barefoot. I am opening windows and airing the house out. I am sitting on the front porch with the bird and enjoying the warm sunshine. I am watching the Crocus bloom in the front yard. I am driving around with the windows down and the wind blowing in my hair.

   But at the same time, I am a little concerned. It is February. We have had a mild winter with little snow. Surely there must be ramifications for all this spring weather in the middle of winter?

   As I see the tulips push through the dead leaves of last autumn a little voice asks this a Sign of Climate change? There seems to be a rush to dismiss science and the arguments to protect our environment. I wonder. I worry.

   It is refreshing to see buds on our maple trees race the lilac bushes striving to be the first to burst, an event that typically arises in May. But at the same time it saddens me to think of the lost blooms should snow and ice reclaim their wintry domain. Will it be a long and dreary spring?

   Or will the daffodils that have taken hold stand strong against the blowing wind and blustery cold?

I am not complaining.

   I just want to be assured that while the weather has gotten unpredictable and wild in some places and unexpectedly mild in others, we don't just chalk it up as an aberration. That we continue to consider our impact and effect, our responsibility and our duty to the world around us. I want to know that we will strive to protect and preserve while we endeavor to learn more about our natural resources.

Because I don't want to see us risk the blooms of tomorrow with the debates of today.

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