Monday, February 6, 2017

Meanwhile, just outside of Chicago...

   Since my husband was off work for the day, we thought we would spend a little time together at the Morton Arboretum. Nothing like a balmy 50 degree day in February to take a walk in the woods.

Nope, no global warming here!

   As we walked, we viewed wildlife around us. We were fortunate to see some Red Sparkled Ornaments that have not migrated yet. 

   We felt lucky to have spotted so many. Even saw one of the more rare Silver Crested Globes, but was unable to get a good picture to share. Maybe next time.

   Spotting these creatures in our area is uncommon this time of year, their food sources of gingerbread and candy cane often exhausted by this late date, but possibly the warmer weather brought them out.

   It was evident that other people are also enjoying the unseasonably warmer temperatures. This was one of several primitive structures we saw along the trail. Looks cozy!
Until next time...


  1. You have inspired me to go look in my neck of the "woods" A.K.A. suburbia to see if I could find any rare specimens. It's amazing! I found a flock of red tailed bows fliting amongst the beautiful carefully preserved brown boughs. Hey everyone, see what you can find.

  2. Awesome! I hear there are lots of rare species hanging around this year.
