Friday, March 9, 2018

Last minute projects

   This Saturday is my daughter's confirmation. We were so excited we decided to have a party in celebration. To get ready for the party we decided to paint the entire house...last week!

The ENTIRE house?

Are you nuts!!!

   Well, okay, just the living room, dining room, and all the hallways up and down the well as the ceilings. I mean, we've had these three paint chips tucked behind the thermostat for next to forever. So it was just a matter of picking one of the swatches and painting, right? Light gray, medium gray, and dark gray.

   No, not the dark gray, that was just too much. And the light gray, well, it looked almost white, so what would be the point? Medium chip it is then. See, decision made.

Okay, what's with the odd looks? Are you trying to tell me everyone doesn't paint the whole house the week before a party?

Okay, I suppose you do have to make a bit of a mess to paint.

   Then there are all those corners. My goodness, who knew there was so much trimming out to do? Oh, and the window trim, mustn't forget we have to paint the window trim...after we sand the window ledge down. It was really in sad shape. Then there was floor trim. I have to admit, I got pretty good at keeping a steady hand to do the trim free hand, as well as the trim around the ceiling. So did my handsome husband for that matter. 
   I was glad he was as dedicated as I was. Because somewhere in the middle of our project, I suddenly found I needed to go dress shopping with my daughter. We had to buy two dresses and tights and a sweater.

   Yikes, was I supposed to dress up too? Uh-oh.

   Food, need to plan for food too. Because if you invite people over for dinner, they are kinda gonna expect to eat something.

   Pancakes anyone? Okay, maybe not. Hmmm, Italian beef and rolls with fixin's. Two pans of mostaccioli made by my daughter's sponsor and more-together parent, pasta salad by mom and appetizers...oh, and don't forget the mint chocolate chip gelato (and another flavor for us grown ups.).

   Paint the ceiling, move the furniture. Clean out registers and put light switch plates back on the wall. Pictures! What pictures should go back up? Maybe we should pare down and eliminate stuff while we are at it. 

   Because when you are pressed for time, that is the time to reorganize, reduce, and sort it all out.

   Getting there, getting there. Oh crap, I forgot, I still need to touch up the paint in the kitchen. It was the original reason I was thinking of paint in the first place! Okay, add touch up paint and kitchen door to the list. No problem.

   Little bit of clean up and things are looking pretty good.

   Hey, did the neighbors down the street HIRE painters? Really, do people do that?

   We did it! All done and in time for the party.
I have to admit, we make a pretty great team!

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