Friday, December 30, 2016

A better, brighter New Year!

The New Year is Upon Us!

   Break out the New Year's resolutions, cause this year is going to be the year to beat all years! The
gardens will be greener, the house will be cleaner and the lottery numbers will all be winners.

   Not that this year was all bad...

   We enjoyed concerts and recitals. Visiting friends and family. Watching parades, riding our bikes and swimming in the hot sun. We took a vacation to Hannibal, MO and joined a frog jumping competition for the first time. We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and took a trip for just us adults!


But I have to admit, it did have some hiccups. 

   For one, the garden was not green, unless you counted the weeds. You see, we didn't actually plant anything this year. Mind you, we had strawberry plants that returned to yield one or two juicy fruits, but aside from a decorative weed that sported lantern-like blossoms,
we pretty much had four foot dandelions and sticker bushes.  On the bright side, not a lot of weeding! So maybe a resolution of a greener garden is not all that appealing after all...

This before new columns!
   The house certainly wasn't clean this year, so there is hope that the next year will be better. After all, we won't be re-doing the kitchen, putting on a new roof, adding new siding and gutters, and installing flooring in the attics to make them more usable. I have to admit, the end result of all this labor looks terrific!
Should I mention how much warmer it all is with new insulation? Or how much easier to use the attics with real floors?

   Of course all that work means that the rugs throughout the house have suffered and the paint everywhere but the kitchen now looks shabby. Perhaps a cleaner house is not in the cards for next year...

   But surely the lottery numbers have to yield better results than this year? Well, they should if we actually remember to play the lottery next year. Adding that to the calendar sounds do-able. Now if I could just keep a dollar or two in my pocket...

Oh well, ring in the new, ring out the old!

With it's promises yet unbroken, it has endless appeal. Everything can be accomplished, all our goals, hope and dreams fulfilled...

Might even get the wash done!

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